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She will barely even look at me. This is hell. I used to be the only one that made her smile or laugh. Now that Justin is here she smiles and talks to him she has actual conversations with him. She might utter one or two words to me

I'm sitting out on the track with Trent, Ray, Philip, Tess and Justin. Fresh snow covers the ground and continues to fall over head. Tess reads a book while Justin sits and watches he like I do while we all have a small conversation

"I don't know if I can stand the cold in the game" Ray says rubbing his arms.

"Same. How are you only in a sweater Tess?" Tent asks

"You are from the beach. I'm from Washington. It's much colder there" she tells him.

"Asher are you cold?"

"Eh. It's not to bad. But I don't think I could just wear a sweater" I say. Tess looks up from her book to me. Snow flakes sit in her eyelashes. Making her eyes pop more than before. Breath taking. She looks away quickly after she realizes she was starring just as much as I was

Justin looks at me with a confused face then looks to Tess. He look back and forth then smiles and shakes his head. His eyes slightly glaze over. Showing he's using mind link. Tess rolls her eyes and slightly blushes.

Blushes. What the fuck. How

Justin stands and holds his hand towards Tess she takes it and he pulls her up. She wipes the snow from her pants.

"Where are you two going?" Trent asks.

"They just posted the teams." Justin says. We give him a strange look. How would he know? "Tess can head them putting up the signs" he says

"How?" Ray asks. They're posting the teams over a hundred yards away.

"She's an alpha" he says looking at her with pride.

We all walk with them and look at the teams. Tess is team captain of the blue team and me and Trent are on her team- they try to put friends together- and the other team captain is Jerald a huge guy with light brown hair.

Tess almost smiles when she sees she's team captain. I smile widely i get to hang out with her even longer.

"Well" Tess says " you all should prepare for the game. It's gonna get colder" Trent groans rubbing his arms.


"Okay alphas. I want to lay down some rules before the game starts" the man with the bald head named matt says. "We are not trying to kill eachother out there obviously. Only broken bones are allowed. If some one has broken something. Don't try to inflict more harm or try to help them. Their team will. Or should."

"You have to find your own food, it's hidden with some clothing if you shift and tear your own. These clothes are thin and small so you will not keep warm if you loose your own clothes."

"You can not shift until you hear the starting cannon. There are two bases each contain the teams flag One will only be unlocked by the blue teams key which is given to their leader. Or the red teams key. You have to find your base on your own with your alpha abilities. Both have their own unique sents, this can be an advantage or a disadvantage"

"These bases are far away, so don't expect to find them quickly. One you find it, there will supplies that will be vital to winning this game. Once you get the flag you must return to your base with it and scan it with this scanner" he says showing us a black chunk of metal. "Then the cannon will sound again. Signaling the ending of the game. And then each team has a party, because although one one team wins you are all going to be great alphas. Are rules clear?" Grumbled yeses fill the room. "And it's customary for team captains to make a speech. So since you all are blue team. Tess please come to the stage." Tess slowly makes her way to Matt. If she's nervous she doesn't show it.

"Hello everyone. I am the leader of this team. We were told the game os fake. Which it is, in some ways but it's not. We're not going though this for fun, this will not be as fun as your fathers and grandfathers have told you.  We are doing this for pride. To tell those who lost you won, making you seem better. This game is to show how your going to protect your pack, your family, the people you love. If you can't win a simple game of capture the flag. How will you keep rouges from capturing your mother, your siblings, or your mate?" I hear growls from Trent and other alphas in the room who have found there mate.

"That's why you must not Treat this game, as a game. Because it's much deeper than that. Although I'm your leader, we're all alphas, I'm no better, and no worse than you all. If you think you should do something, do it if I or any others think you shouldn't do that. Then we well tell you. And you can decide what to do from there because you lead your own life."

"Now we're going to go out. And we're going to win. Because we are all great alphas who can take care of a pack and eachother. We are all going though the same thing, we are the same. We are great alphas who will make our packs the best they can be." She says full of power making everyone start cheering.

Tess begin to smile. Not a big smile. But a small sigh of emotion. She scans the crowd. Her eyes lock with mine. And her smiles disappears

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