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I walk into my pack house with Tess. We aren't holding hands anymore. She didn't want anyone to see. I'm not offended. If I was pher I'd probably feel the same.

"How'd it go?" Justin asks looking me over. For what I'm guessing injuries.

"I'm not dead so that's something" I laugh.

"It went fine. Look the bruises from alpha camp are gone and so are some of the burns from my birthday" she says pulling up my shirt that's two times to big but it looks sexy on her.

I see some small purple bruises up her spine and pink spots that look alike burns that have mostly healed and a hint of a tattoo on her hip.

"Wait. What happened at alpha camp and your birthday?" I ask. Justin gets a guilty look.

"When. I threw her down. She hit the ground to hard." Justin says. Sadly. Colt growls in my head.

"What about the birthday?"

"Long story. Um. Where am I gonna be sleeping if your making me stay here?" Tess asks changing the subject.

"We'll have to discuss that later. You need to eat first Tess" Justin says winking at me when Tess turns away.

"I'm not hungry" she says

"You haven't eaten since yesterday Morning" Justin says.

"I would give you something better but since you haven't eaten for that long I can make you some cereal so you can eat now." I say going to the cabinet and pulling out coco pebbles.

I fix the cereal. And put it in front of Tess  who's now sitting at the bar.

"You want any Justin?"

"I'm good I ate earlier"

"Oh. Well once you or your mate get hungry you can grab anything you'd like make yourself at home."

"Oh I already did. That's why I'm not hungry." He smiles. I look at Tess who takes her first bite into the cereal he eyes grow big.

"What is this?" She asks taking another bite

"Coca pebbles?" I say.

"This is amazing! These must cost a fortune" she says eating another spoonful.

"It's like two bucks"

"Tess has had. Very limited food. If she can't make it. She doesn't eat it."

"Oh. Well you've been missing out there's these thinks called cosmic brownies" i begin to tell her but my beta walks in

"Alpha. The other pack has arrived. "

"Take them to their rooms and tell them if anyone asks. They're the Forest pack, visiting us to train" he nods and walks away

"Wait what?" Tess asks. Almost angry.

"We can't tell them who you really are. They'll hate you all." I say sadly. "And your going to have to pretend your beta or something"

"I understand. I'll be beta. Or gamma if you prefer Justin"

"No. They'll get suspicious of gamma gives beta orders" he says smiling. Always so happy.

"Would you like me to tell them to keep out of sight? Because they can and will if they need to." She says. It makes me wonder how many times they've had to hide. And if Tess did as well.

"No. They can socialize with my pack. Just no telling them about you father"she nods then looks at her feet with sadness. It makes my heart hurt. Seeing it. But any hint of emotion leaves when two boys walk in.

"Who's this?" Hunter asks

"This is Tess. Al-beta of the forest pack. They will be staying her for a  while."

"That's good." The other boy Charles says siting by her.

Hunter whispers something into her ear. Tess tenses and pulls her hand into a fist. But doesn't move to hit anyone. Justin on the other hand grabs hunters hair pulling him back so he can see him

"Fucking say one more thing to her I'll beat the living shit out of you" woah. Not such a happy guy anymore.

"Justin I can speak for myself."Tess says calm and polite. Justin lets go of hunter and turns him to Tess.

"Yeah she can speak to me. So. Is that a yes to what I said?" He smirks. "Cause I would just love to be inside of a pretty girl like you." Hunter can't see it since he hasn't known Tess. She looks completely normal. But there's a fire burning behind her eyes.

I feel my body shake with anger. I'm going to kill him she is mine. But before I can act Tess in a swift move grabs him where the sun don't shine. Hard. He yelps in pain.

"You can't do that" she says still calm " but You know what you can do? You can kiss my shoes" he resists and she squeezes harder. And he bend down. She bends with him keeping hold of his boys. He shakily kisses her Nikes. And she lets go and helps him up. "Now. I suggest. You don't speak to a female in that matter or anyone. Do you agree?"

"Y-yes" he squeaks.

"Okay. Now run along" he leaves still groaning in pain. Charles follows. Tess looks angry at herself  "I apologize Asher. I shouldn't have done that to your pack member. I don't know what I was thinking. Please forgive me"

"It's okay. I would've beat the snot out of him." I say with a hint of a growl.

"Tess. You should get some sleep. It's almost nine. And you haven't had more than three hours of sleep for a while."

"Your right. Do you mind making sure everyone is okay. And please tell them I'm sorry I can't, I'll be sure to first thing tomorrow"

"Yes alpha-beta" he corrects himself although no one is around.

"So where's my room?" Tess asks as we walk up stairs to where my room is.

"Well that's the thing. With your whole pack staying here. There's a shortage of rooms. Justin and his mate are in the room you stayed in over Christmas. And you'll have to stay in my room with me."


"If that makes you uncomfortable I can sleep on the couch and it'll be all yours. "

"No. It's fine. I don't mind where I sleep. I just want to" she smiles as we walk Into my room. She lays on the bed and gets under the covers. Already in my clothes which might as well be pajamas.

I take off my jeans and shirt leaving me in my boxers and get in next to her. I realize she's already asleep I pull her against me and she wraps her arms around my neck and I wrap mine around her waist. And plant a kiss on her forehead.

"Good night princess" I say shutting my eyes and soon falling asleep.

Not even realizing when I called her princess she smiled. And she was never asleep, and wrapped her arms around me on purpose

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