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My eye sting. My lungs burn from breathing in such cold air. My legs ache from constant motion and my stomach is in knots from not eating. I'm so tired.

Not like I'd tell or show anyone though. We've been tuning for twenty seven hours. With three four hour breaks in between. We have finally made it to the camp. It's a small shack. I have a feelings there's a bit more to it.

I go up and turn the key. Trying to slow my panting. The door opens to a stair case.

I walk down it slowly. It softly creaks as the boys trail behind me. We reach the bottom and face the area we have to live in for the next few days.

It's all one room-Except a door to our side which I presume is a bathroom.- The floor is made of cement. It's a brownish color. There are about thirteen cots against the right wall. To the left is a small burner, a large cabinet. A table in the middle of the room. With six chairs. And a sink.

The item in the back makes my throat tighten.

Six showers. They're like the ones at camp. The barriers only cover the lower part of the body. If I showered in there. Everyone would see me. Naked.

I try to brush off the shower problem. I'll deal with it when I come to it. Although I'd love a nice warm shower. Or a nap. I have to deal with all the tired, hungry alphas I'm leading.

"Who's not starving?" I ask no one says a thing. "Okay. Who can wait an hour to eat?" Four hands go up. "Great. Can you all go and take watch while I figure out the rations?" The grumble yes and walk back up the stairs, into the cold night.

I go to the cabinet and open it. It's filled with canned beans, dehydrated milk. Some yeast, Flour, salt, sugar, some biscuit mix. And other foods. But not enough to feed us all a decent amount for a week.

But I know they've all gone though a lot today. And will go though more this week. So tonight they will eat well. And they other nights we can ration more.

I grab the yeast. Flour. And the other things i need to make bread. The canned vegetable soup and salt and pepper. I set them on the table and then turn and see most of the alphas sitting on the cots of on the floor.

"You all can rest. I'm going to start making some food for you all. It won't be done for a hour or so. So wash up or whatever you need to." I say then turn around and begin to make some bread.

"Your cooking?" Justin asks from behind my shoulder.

"Yes. Don't get used to it"

" you used to make me pancakes all the time. You remember. Before-" he stops himself. "Those were pretty good"

"We were like. Six I could've flattened play dough and told you if was a pancake and you would've liked it"

"Your right. But still." He chuckles softly

I finish making the bread. And get a metal platter and put it over the second burner. I get a large pot and pour in the vegetable soup. Some Water and so salt and pepper to taste. The bread slowly rises. Wafting a nice aroma into the air. Making my stomach hungrier.

The food is done thirty minutes later. I put the soup into tin cans because there are no bowls. And cut the bread into pieces.

"The food is done" I say and go sit against the wall alphas come in and grab a can one by one. And begin to eat. Asher walks up to me Making my heart Race.

"Did you make the bread?" He asks sitting next to her.

"Yep" i pop the p.

"Your a good cook for what they gave us." He says and my stomach grumbles loudly. " you haven't eaten yet?" He asks concerned.

"I'm going to wait till everyone finishes." I tell him.

"You made the food that means you eat first." He says I hold back the need to roll my eyes.

"I'll eat when everyone is full" I say. He groans gets up and grabs a tin cup

"Is everyone full?" He asks no one says anything "okay. Has everyone had enough so Tess could eat?" They all say yes and he walks to me "now eat. We need you"

"You shouldn't have done that. I can take care of myself.

"I'm not so sure of that" he grumbles

How you all feeling??

Btw I update every 3 days so watch for them

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