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Tess pov.

I wait for my pack in my special spot. The only place I think my father doesn't know of. I'm of course wrong.

My father emerges from the woods. His dark hair looks like it's been unbrushed. He comes up to me slowly. I shake rapidly from fear of my father.

"Father" I greet him. Looking at my feet.

"Your pack is coming aren't they?" He asks

"Yes." I tell him knowing if I lie hell know, and I'll pay for it.

"I know you love them dearly" he mocks "so. When they get here and we attack. I'll make sure none of your precious little pack members get hurt if. You go down"

"Go down?" I ask

"Yes. Well fight one on one. And you'll fall off this beautiful cliff"

"But-" he cuts me off.

"If you say no. There will be a massacre. Not one person will be left. Not even your lover boy"  Asher.

I know he lied to me. But I don't want him dead. And I know my dad will be true to his word. Id rather die than my pack. I've always thought Justin would be a good alpha anyways.

"Fine. But we have to make it believable." I say. He nods

"Of course my dear Tess" he says putting his callused hand to my cheek. "I've always cared for you you know?"

"You never gave a damn about me" I say backing away from him.

"Ha your right. You look a lot like your mother now though"

"Oh and I guess my life will end by your hand just like my mothers." He smirks evilly at me. I hear a crunch behind me.

"They're here I'll see you later my pet"my father whispers then disappears into the trees

"Tess? Tess there you are!" I hear Asher say coming into my view

"What are you doing here?" I ask

"We're here to help" he says

"You shouldn't have come. This isn't your fight" I say

"It is. If it has to do with you it has to do with me." I groan inwardly at his defiance.

A loud howl is heard from deeper in the woods, where my father is

"It's time" I whisper. More Scared than I'd like to admit.

I turn to Justin and pull him into a tight hug.

"I love you Justin." I say as tears gather in my eyes

"I love you too Tessy" he says bugging me tightly. Then looking at me strange

"Is everything okay-" he's cut off by my father and five other wolfs coming out of the woods we shift.

My father stares me down. And then runs to me. We nip at each other harshly. It doesn't hurt either of us much but draws enough blood to be believable.

The other take out his rouges-that seem to be never ending- out easily since they were told not to hurt us.

My father start to fight harder, as do I as we near the cliff. I get scared. what does it feel like to die? Will I go to heaven like everyone says you do? Will anyone even find my body at the bottom? Will anyone even look?

He bite hard on my neck holding me in place and trows me with all his mite-causing me to let out a loud whimper as he tears away at my skin- of the cliff

As I fall I think about my life.

My mother. My beautiful sweet mother who brought me into his ugly cruel world. She loved me. I can say that. She did love me. and I don't think I had many people loving me my whole life so it's nice some one loved me.

When my father killed her replays in my head.

He was mad. He was mad because she didn't tell him i was his daughter. They'd fought about it before. But this was a lot worse than there normal fight. I sat there with my teddy bear in my hand as he did it.

I was an accident i know. He was shaking her. To hard. And she broke her neck. She was dead that Instant.

And I wasn't some stupid nine year old. I didn't think she just fell asleep. I knew she was dead. But I didn't have time to grieve. I had to run. He'd take it out on me next. and I wasn't as strong as my mother.

I also remember the time before my father. When I was out by the pool with Justin and his friends.

God did I want to be like them. They all had girl friends or boyfriends. And I wanted a boy to love me. I wanted everyone to love me. I was told my father left my mother before I was born.

I went up to Justin and asked if I could hangout with him. He smiled at me and his girlfriend at the time Regan or something like that. Said hell no. I was shocked at her use of a bad word.

Justin brushed her off and said I could sit right next to them. I took note on everything they said. They talked about school algebra, and some songs. That night I looked up all the songs they talked about and memorized all of them. And tried to understand algebra. Just to fit in.

But right when they all started to like me. My dad found about that I was his spawn.

He was nice at first. He tried to understand me. But being a kid I acted up and he didn't allow it. I was nine when he first hit me. After my mom passed he didn't have anyone else to take his frustration out. That's when we started training.

To learn to fight he'd shift and attack me while I was human. He won every time tearing my skin to pieces. But I learned all his moves and weaknesses.

If I really fought him. I might actually win. If I wasn't so scared of him. Fighting someone you hardly know is easy. But when your scared of a person. You jump at their every move. You feel their eyes on you even when they aren't. You can't breathe in their presence.

I see the ground come closer. To close. I notice I shifted. Which i don't remember doing.

I'm scared.

So scared.

"Asher!" I scream in spite of myself. Then my world goes black

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