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Lol updated anyway

Asher pov.

The normal Tess- well the one I've been getting to know that only comes out when we're alone.- is gone. Even the nice Tess. The one that loves all her pack members. This is not someone I would talk to with out shaking.

"Ten more laps push it guys! I'm not having any weaklings as warriors! Get on it!" She Rawrs  to her warriors who have already ran twenty laps. They don't look tired ether. Or mad that Tess is being harsh.

"It seems mean. But you don't get top pack in the world by being nice." Justin says walking up to me. "And I'm pretty sure Tess feels this is nice. With how her father treated her when they trained."

"What did he do?" I ask. Not knowing if I actually want to hear.

"When they did endurance. Tess ran until she passed out. And speed. God. Alpha would get his pistol. And if she didn't run faster than that bullet. Thankfully. Since. You know what she is. She tends to be able to heal in a couple of minutes. Where in a normal wolfs situation if would be hours to days to heal. The bullets only hit her twice."

"Where?" I ask feeling both mad, and sad for my poor mate.

"Once in the leg. Once in the arm. Not to much damage done. Physically at least"

"He's a monster." I say

"Yeah. That was bad but swimming. Whoosh she's lucky to have survived"

"What happened then"

"I probably shouldn't be talking about this. Tess didn't even mean to tell me. If she even remembers."

"Why wouldn't she remember. And it's not personal since she doesn't really remember so. Tell me."

"Ugh. Okay. After one of the practices. She was hurt. Bad. And I was a seventeen year old. So I had a little bit of illegal plants. She was only like 11 maybe. And that seem a little young I guess although I started that when I was maybe. 12. But anyways. If you would have seen her. You would've given her anything to help her out.

And she started ranting about what's been going on how she figured out that he was her father, and about the practices and what happened when she disappeared for almost a year. And then she fell asleep. I let her sleep in my room with me. The next morning she was gone and said nothing about it. So ether she forgot or doesn't want to remember." He says kinda sad.

"You guys are done. You did a good job. Keep it up." Tess says. Sighing. She walks towards us.

"Hey tessy" Justin says. She glares at him.

"Hello Justin. Asher" she nods her head towards me.

"Hey um I was thinking it'd be cool if we had a party, to introduce your pack to mine tonight."

"That sounds awesome" Justin says

"What kind of party?" Tess asks  skeptically.

"Just a pool party, everyone can swim or play volleyball and just hangout."

"Will there be alcohol?" Justin asks

"Very much" I chuckle.

"Aw man Tess we gotta! The pack hasn't had a party since your dad started going on those trips"

"I suppose." Tess agrees

"Awesome. It will be at like. 5ish so you have a good six hours" I say checking my watch.

"Did I hear party?" My cousin Jessica squeals

"Yeah. We're having a pool party, to introduce tesses pack to mine"

"Oh really? That's cool. I can help you get ready" she says. Tess looks a little uncomfortable, not that many people can tell any of tesses emotions. But I can.

"Um. Sure that sounds fine." She says.

"Wait do you have any clothes. You were sick when we went and got our stuff. We never got any of yours." Justin says.

"I can let you borrow my clothes" Jessica says. Smiling wide. Tess looks very embarrassed

"No. That's fine. I'll barrow some of Justin's." She argues

"No really I insist!" She smiles grabbing tesses hand "let go ahead and get ready!" As she pulls her away. Tess looks back at me for help

"Remember it's at five!"

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