Using The Granted Forces

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It is frightening how large and snarky the grey wolf looks. I have sure seen huge rogues before but this wolf- well he is a different story. His eyes are burning with fury as he glares at me. I look into his eyes and mind link him since I can't talk to him in the wolf form.

"I don't want a fight. Can we talk and sort this out? I mean no harm." I assure and he seems to think about it. He raises his head and I guess mind links the other two wolves behind him. They immediately come and stand on the either side of my head at a good distance. 

Excuse me? You're invading my personal space right now by caging me like this!

Grey wolf slowly stands up and retreats cautiously as if expecting me to pounce on him any moment. He stands in front of me, his large figure looming over me. I get up too, standing with my ears up and alert for any movement from behind. I silently name the three wolves for my convenience. I decide on calling the two brown ones Brown A and Brown B and calling the giant one Grey. It seems like minutes after Grey speaks to me.

"What are you doing here?" Grey questions.

"As I said before, I mean no harm and I entered your pack land without realizing. I was just wandering around."

"You expect us to believe that? Tell us, which pack sent you here to spy on us?"Grey says threateningly.

"I am not a spy! I am a rogue and crossing your land's borders was a mistake."

"Why should we believe that you are a rogue? And that you are not spying in here?"

"Are you really that dumb? Do you smell a pack smell on me? I am a rogue."

Well apparently, the 'dumb' comment doesn't sit well with the two browns and they flash their canines in threat. But Grey cuts them off by continuing,

"No one enters a pack land by mistake. And even if you did- you are bound to be punished." Grey snarls. 

"You cannot punish me for nothing. I did not harm your wolves or spy around. Just let me go and you will never see my face again." I say trying to keep my cool.

This isn't going as easy as I thought. These people are quite adamant about punishing me. Of course, trespassing in another pack's territory is a great offense. And when you are a rogue- well the situation intensifies. But I may be able to talk my way out of this. I have to! Damn you Fiana!

"Rogue. You have violated our pack rules and for that, you will be punished." Grey snaps.

"But I did not cause any damage did I? Just let me go and this will be easier for all of us."

"Do you know who you are speaking to right now??" Brown B speaks from behind.

"Yes- I am talking to an arrogant, non-rational wolf who doesn't know where to spend his energy. You guys will clearly waste your power fighting me because I am not a threat." I say, now getting angry. These wolves are fussing over a trivial matter. I see Grey's eyes darken in anger and I know this is going to be bad.

"You just insulted the Beta of the Dark Moon pack, silly wolf. Prepare yourself for the worst." Brown A graces me with his voice. Dark Moon. The deadliest pack in entire America. This pack is dangerous, ruthless and they love killing wolves and blood is their source of entertainment. Fiana has got us into some deep shit. I snort anyways and turn my head to the front to see Grey hovering in mid-air, lunging at me. I duct to the side immediately and Grey lands on the ground with easy grace.

"Woho! Easy there, big guy!" I growl as I barely miss the hit.

He immediately turns towards me ready for his second attack and I prepare myself too. If these guys want a fight, I ain't going back.

Grey retreats a few steps lowering his anterior side, indicating the huge leap he will take at me. I retreat too and we both lunge at the same time. My paws dig into his skin and he bites on my side. I growl in pain but immediately gnaw Grey with my nails on the upper side of his neck. Grey just gives out a mild groan as if the pain was nothing for him. His teeth sink deeper into my flesh and I start losing energy. I stop resisting his bite and gather all my energy to push him away. I remove my paws from his neck and in an instant curl all my paws near his abdomen and throw him away. He is heavy though and resultantly doesn't fall too far.

Brown A now leaps at me but I can tell he is weaker than Grey. Of course, Grey is the Beta of the pack and so the power he radiates is completely normal. Brown A scratches his nails on one of my front paws and at the same time, Brown B jumps on me too. His teeth dig into my right side and I howl in pain. These guys are just too much! I muster up all my power and kick Brown B and he lands farther than I expected. I bite Brown A at all the available flesh to me and he immediately loosens his hold. I take that chance and throw him away too. Though I have overpowered them for now, I know I can't win against them. If I surrender I'll be caged in their pack's prison for the rest of my life and if I don't- they will kill me. Great options.

I don't want to do what I have to do next. Brown A and B are both on the ground trying to get up and Grey is already up and ready for his next attack. He walks towards me and I take a few steps back. His eyes shine devilishly with cruel violence shimmering out of him. He is about to jump at me again when I finally make my decision.

"Wait. Do not come any closer or you'll hurt yourself!" I bark. Grey rumbles with laughter and keeps taking small menacing steps towards me.

"Really? Aww, I am scared!" He mocks and I snarl.

I take quick steps and put a safe distance between us. My eyes wander around. I find a black tattered cloth lying near a tree on my left and immediately go pick it up between my teeth. I then go back and stand in front of the wolves. Brown A and B mirror confusing expressions but Grey seems amused. He is enjoying this! Hah, he doesn't know what is coming at him.

I shift and immediately wrap the black cloth around my naked body. The wolves widen their eyes in surprise but now even Grey seems confused. I close my eyes and begin my chant. With utter concentration, I raise my hands in the air -move them from side to side, retreating closer to the borders at the same time. Just as I see Grey about to leap at me, I throw my hands in the front towards the wolves. Instantly, a ring of fire surrounds them and Grey freezes in his tracks. I smirk victoriously, feeling even more pride when I see all the wolves, especially Grey dumbfounded.

I quickly move to the other side of the borderline and relief washes over me. Grey collects himself and shifts, running to a tree and returning back wearing a pair of shorts. Not wanting to have this conversation, I start to leave.

"You-you're a Primordial!" Grey calls out and I turn with a sigh but happy at the same time.

"Yes, Mr.Beta. But don't worry, just like I mentioned before I don't mean any harm and I only used that power in my defense. You won't even ever see my shadow again. Goodbye!"

I turn onto my heels. I walk behind a nearby tree and shift back into my wolf form. Though I'm injured, I need to reach back to that dark alley soon and that's not possible if I trot around in the human form. It was a narrow escape and I thank the Moon for blessing me the Elemental power. Phew!

Heyaa nerdies! Did you guys like the chapter? For all the confused souls out there, things will get clearer in the future chapters. Vote and Comment if you found the chapter interesting! Have a great day:)

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