Surprise Surprise

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"Okay. Lets go." I say and Maisie grabs my hands ushering me to her room. We are just walking in the hallways when suddenly we hear a loud bang! There are voices of growls, howls and bones cracking. I throw a small, worried glance at Maisie and then we both rush downstairs. Xalvador follows us in lightning speed and we all are shocked to see our wolves being shred apart near the gate.

The Silver Woods! And the Black Water! I can't believe they are allies. They are all over the place, biting and snapping at our wolves. My blood boils as I take in the scene and see Beta Axel thrash to the floor, growling in pain.

"Maisie go inside! Make sure other children and women are safe too." I command and she runs in to safety.

Xalvador lets out a thunderous growl and thrusts forward, shifting in mid air. All the wolves look up and I go forward too, shifting and attacking aggressively. I pounce on a wolf and he claws my stomach. I bite his neck and within seconds his body falls limp. Two other wolves throw themselves at me and I wince as one bares his teeth on my arm. I growl and bite that one, kicking the other. I kill the wolf by snapping his neck and then run to the other. But sensing me already, the wolf lunges at me, trying to hurt my neck. I claw his stomach with as much as force I can and instead his trip gets tighter. We both fight for dominance but the pain in my neck rises. Suddenly he raises his body, howling in pain and I find Liam behind him, scratching his back dangerously. I quickly bite his neck, pulling at his vein and he falls limp on me. I throw him and attack several others, finding the situation finally getting in control.

"We will kill you all! There will be no traces of Dark Moon!" Comes a voice from a distance and we look up to see a man approaching us with another army of hundreds of wolves. The man shifts too and the wolves attack. Oh my God! We won't be able to resist them all right now. Our wolves are tired and unprepared. Thinking and making my decision quickly, I throw the wolf I'm tackling and run towards the main door.

I go inside, shift back and put on a white, long shawl over me. I come outside to see the wolves rushing towards us with full force. I quickly close my eyes, raising my hand in determination. If I don't do this quickly, the fire will hurt my wolves too. My wolves...

I can't lose my concentraion right now. no! Before they enter the vicinity of the fight area, I must stop them in their tracks! I concentrate and thrust my hands towards the approaching army of wolves, raising a fire at their feet just before they can mingle with the others. They jump back in surprise and I squint my eyes, focusing harder.

I raise the fire and make it go forwards causing burns on the feet and knees of the first line of wolves. Xalvador growls in victory and immediately our wolves conquer whatever were left in the fight area now that the others were under control. I walk forward, raising the fire higher and higher, feeling weaker as tremendous force is focused on my hands right now. The wolves are visibly terrified as they start to retreat. Xalvador's wolf growls and steps beside me. He then looks at the wolves and possibly mind links them. The conversation goes on for five minutes and I try my hardest to hold the fire's intensity. Just when I think I will lose control, the wolves retreat, turn back and run away.

I sigh and drop my hands at my side and the fire vanishes. Everyone shifts back and I clutch the shawl around me tighter.

"Luna you saved us!" Liam says excitedly and I stifle a laugh. Only he can be so enthusiastic in such a situation. There are whispers and people though don't speak, I can tell they are happy and maybe... impressed?

"You did a great work Bella. I'm proud of you." Xalvador says, causing butterflies and then orders for the dead bodies to be buried and for medical help. Everyone gets working and I follow Xalvador to put on some clothes.

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