Encountering Them

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Xalvador's POV

Snap! And the limp wolf falls to the ground lifeless. He thought challenging me was a good idea? I do not stand traitors. I either have loyal people or dead people. I remove my teeth from the neck of the stupid, cheating wolf and get on to my paws. He could not even scratch me and he thought of overpowering me? In a fight? I shift back to my human form and wear my pants kept ready on the side for me. I command my guards to dispose of the traitor's dead body. 

"Alpha, Alpha!" I hear my Beta Axel calling out to me in a huffed voice. He reaches me breathless. "I- we found someone when I went to the borders for patrolling," Axel says.

"Who did you find?" 

"A rogue. A female rogue."

Why would I care about a female rouge?  What was up with Axel?

"Why are you telling me that? Did she harm any of our fighter wolves?"

"No Alpha, but she could have. She- she was a primordial! A fire elemental." He says and I freeze. A primordial! A fire primordial! That rogue wolf had one of the most dangerous elements of the earth within her control.

"Did you get her here?" I ask, impatient now.

"No, but we did fight her. She was quite strong but we overpowered her. That is when she used her power to defend herself and encaged us in a fire ring." Strong? Of course, she would be strong. An elemental is an elemental after all. The Moon gives such powers only to the ones she feels are capable. I have to have her! That wolf can make my pack stronger and I can fight off those threats more easily.

"Get her Beta. I want her. Get her and propose her to join the pack. Do whatever you have to. Find her. Go!" I command and Axel is on his heels the next second.

If I get this primordial. Noone would be able to defeat me. No one!


Its been a few days since my encounter with the daunting wolves of the Dark Moon. That night was some experience. But I shouldn't have used my elemental powers. Being a rogue it was dangerous for me to openly showcase the gift of the Moon Goddess to me. I am an Elemental. And there are only five Elementals in the world with me having the power of producing fire.

I did not return to the same alley that night. It was dangerously close to the boundary of the Dark Moon pack. I wouldn't want any encounters with them now, would I? I walked all night and finally found a place good enough for shelter when the dawn graced the sky with its presence. So here I am now. In a small river, enjoying the cold water caressing my scars and bruises which still haven't healed completely. I get out of the water and dress my self in my old but washed clothes.

It is still early morning. I could go for a good hunt and find some food for the day. I start walking. It seems like hours since I'm wandering in the forest with only some food gathered. The forest is quiet but... suddenly I feel something. A shift in the air. Some occasional noises. I look around, my eyes scanning every visible place sharply but to no avail. I'm just being a paranoid again. Ever since the encounter with those wolves, I have been extra careful. Extra precautious. I keep walking but suddenly out of nowhere a hand with a cloth is forcefully lands on my nose.

I smell it! Its a sleeping drug. Being a werewolf I have stronger resistance and I know it will be some minutes before the liquid does its job on my body. Without a second thought, I kick my legs backward with immense power and hit the unknown person. I turn to look at my attacker and am shocked to see the Beta of the Dark Moon pack standing there groaning and clutching his man parts. I start feeling drowsy. I take off running. They are after me and they have a purpose- which I presume is revenge for their defeat the other day. If I get caught this time, they won't spare me.

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