Evil Air

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          I hop down the large, white, round staircase and walk to the kitchen. There are a few people drinking water but apart from that the kitchen is empty. The group of people drinking water nod at me when they see me and then walk away chattering. I take a seat at the table and pick up an apple and a sandwitch. I also pour myself some orange juice and begin eating.

"Good afternoon Luna." Comes a voice and my stomach twitches in uneasiness. Its the pack trainer's brother. The weird man from last night.

          I turn around on my chair to find him smiling at me, with what seems like an evil glint in his eye.

             I look at him and nod in acknowledgment. He comes over, near the table and stands beside me. I look away and keep eating my apple. I catch the same scent again and my nose crinkles. It's like this man has a wave of weirdness around him.

"I didn't introduce myself properly last night. My name is Kane. I extend my warm welcome to you, Luna." He says, his voice taking a different tone in the end. Something about this man is odd and I can't quite put a finger on it.

"As I said before, please don't call me Luna and I appreciate you welcoming me here. Thanks." I say curtly and get up. I already hate my stay here and this man makes me hate it even more. Kane laughs creepily as I start walking away.

"A Luna's life isn't easy. Remember. Some even have to die to protect their mates. I can understand if you don't want to be the Luna. But I also see you have no choice out." Kane says with a maniac-like smile. I don't understand the problem with this guy.

"Um- I am sorry but I have no idea what you are talking about."

"You don't right now but... time will show you-" he leans closer to my face, looking into my eyes. I spot the same evil glint present in his eyes. "..dreadful things. A Luna has to make a lot of sacrifices for the pack and I hope you are ready for them." He whispers.

"Kane!" A voice booms and Kane moves away. Xalvador marches towards us and picks up Kane by his collar and shoves him roughly. I gasp as Kane lands meters away from where I stand.

"Stay away from my mate. If I find you standing this close to her one more time, trust me the consequences will be bad."

"Oh come on Alpha. I was just greeting and welcoming my new Luna." He replies, standing up. I feel a hint of annoyance in his voice but ignore it. Xalvador huffs in nonchalance and grabs my arms, walking us away.

"I told you to stay away from other males." He growls once we are alone. I roll my eyes.

"And who do you think you are?" I question, even though I know it will tick him off.

"Your MATE AND YOUR ALPHA." He says roughly, anger audible in his tone. He pushes us inside his office and slams me to the door. I look into his eyes and feel the anger about everything he has done to me resurface within me.

"You are not my mate because I refuse to accept a monster as my mate. And Alpha!-" I laugh mockingly. "I am not a member of this pack so you are not my Alpha. Stop ordering me around." I growl. I feel my eyes water as yet again I realize what I have landed myself into. Xalvador clenches his fists and steps closer to me. There is almost no space between us now. His breathing is hard and his eyes turn a darker shade of his beautiful color blended eyes. Almost turning to black. He grabs me by my waist and leans into my neck. I feel his lips trail near my collar bone and my knees weaken. Fiana dances in happiness and I battle for control. There are goosebumps all over my body and I gasp as his teeth nip at my skin.

"Uhu-Uhm." I frown at the noise Xalvador makes but when I look up, he looks just as confused. We both turn around at lightning speed and I spot an uncomfortable looking Liam sitting there. He smiles nervously at me but gulps when he looks at Xalvador. I follow his eyes to Xalvador's face and gulp myself as I see the murderous expression on his face. He steps forward with a thump and I catch his hand, fearing he might do something to Liam. Xalvador seems surprised and stops. He looks at me and I smile nervously, hoping to stop him. His expression softens immediately and he turns to Liam again-this time much calmer.

"What is it, Liam?" Xalvador asks in a gruff voice, annoyance quite clear.

"I apologize for interrupting your um- conversation with Lu- Miss. Arabella but I need to talk to you about something Alpha. I thought about waiting for you in your office till you returned. I didn't expect Miss. Arabella coming too." Liam explains, clearly afraid. Huh! Monster. His own pack fears him so much.

"What do you want to talk about?" Xalvador gets straight to the point. I roll my eyes mentally and listen to what Liam has to say. His face turns dreadful yet serious.

"Alpha there have been attacks on the east border. A lot of our warrior wolves have died. Beta Axel has already left and its important for you to check out the border area." He says.

"How much damage has been done?" 

"Atleast 20-25 wolves have been killed. Beta was on his round when one of the wolves from the north border reported the damage." Liam exaplains.

"Fine. I'll leave now. You stay here and guard the pack house. Also, arrange 10 wolves for picking up the dead bodies." Xalvador commands and Liam nods, walking to the door. He smiles at me as he leaves and I return the gesture. Xalvador frowns at our exchange.

"You go and rest in our room. I have business to attend to sugar bun." Xalvador orders me, gazing at the large map on the wall behind his chair and I literally clench my fist to stop it from punching him in his gorgeous face. I mean his... normal looking face. Yeah Arabella, keep lying. 

"Rest? Are you serious! I just woke up some time ago and I haven't done anything since. How can I rest when I am not tired?" I point out and Xalvador looks at me.

" So go and train where you were yesterday." He says. He knows!

" No. I am coming with you. I feel trapped staying the whole day in this house. As it is its been long since I had a run." I reason, hopeful to go out in the woods.

"No. There could still be danger at the border and I don't want you to be there." He growls.

"Xalvador please. I have been defending myself all my life. I can protect myself."

"No sugar bun. I don't care if you can defend yourself. You are my mate now and I am not letting you get hurt." A part of me cheers in happiness at the feeling of protection from him and a part of me resents it.

"Xalvador I want to come. You can't expect me to stay in here all day." I argue and he starts walking away, ignoring me. I huff in annoyance and kick him mentally for being so rude. I formulate a plan.

"Fine. I can escape from here since you will be out." I mutter lowly but loud enough so he hears. As expected, he stops and turns around.

"What did you say?" He growls and I act like I let out a secret.

"Oh um not-nothing. You should leave. The border issue needs your presence." I say trying to stammer and put on a nervous expression. He looks into my eyes and seems to think for seconds.

"I have changed my mind. You will accompany me." He says suddenly and I continue my act. I widen my eyes and give out a sad forced sigh whereas I am dancing on the inside. His eyes grow darker at my fake reaction.

"Don't even think about leaving again." He warns in a low dangerous voice and leaves while I quickly follow. Of course, I am not thinking of leaving. Even if Xalvador left, Liam would have never let me run away. I sigh but cheer myself at the prospect of going to the woods freely after so long. Yay!

An update finally!!!! I apologize to all the regular readers for the wait. Now that the chapter is up, please vote and comment. Thanks:-)

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