Apologies and Warmth

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          I fret over how I should apologize to Xalvador when I spot Liam in the kitchen. I walk nervously to him, I was pretty mean to him too.

"Hey. Can we talk?" I say lightly as I reach him at the kitchen counter. He looks up and nods immediately.

"Sure Miss.Arabella." He says and I flinch at his formal address to me but then realize why he did so. There are people from the pack around here. Smart.

We both walk to the front yard, where there are a few wolves training and some just lingering here and there. Liam doesn't say anything and I realize he is waiting for me to initiate the conversation.

"Uh-um I am sorry about today morning. I shouldn't have acted the way I did. I am... sorry for snapping like that."

"Hmm." Comes his reply and I stutter to keep the conversation going.

"And you were right, I shouldn't have judged the mons- I mean your Alpha," I say with a shrug and Liam stays quite. I wait for him to say something but he looks away, disinterested. I messed up with him. God! I start walking away as he doesn't budge. Great Arabella. Just great. You lost your only friend here. As I reach some distance, I hear a chuckle which then turns into a laughter. I turn around in confusion and see Liam doubling over with laughter. I stomp to him and narrow my eyes at him.

"I just apologized okay." I huff and he laughs even louder. A few wolves look at us and the first thing I feel is Xalvador's jealousy over this.

"You really thought of apologizing because you talked to me in a rude manner? Seriously?!" He exclaims between laughs and I don't get his point. He realizes my confusion and straightens up. 

"Okay, I am sorry. I shouldn't have laughed. But trust me, its-its very new for me to hear someone apologizing. I mean this pack is full of egoistic dudes who pretend like they don't know that a word like sorry exists. It's always a fight when anything happens so... I wanted you to continue your sorry speech. I was kinda enjoying it." He says, laughing again. I glare at him and he puts up his hands in surrender.

"Okay fine fine, I'll stop. I am not even angry about the morning Arabella. But... Alpha definitely is. He broke several chairs in the storeroom after he returned with you. Also, his punching bag was brutally assaulted." He informs and I feel shivers already.

"Yeah I know. I am gonna apologize but I am just not sure how to."

"Just go for it. You are his mate. He is weak without you. I am sure he will forgive you." Liam encourages. I realize he's right. I have to do it sometime, might as well go for it now.

I search for him in the office first but find it empty. I then check the training field but there are only the training wolves there. I then finally go to his room, where I find him sitting on the bed, his back facing me. I clench my fists nervously as I enter and jump when he speaks suddenly.


I take a deep breath and then began. "I am sorry for what I did earlier today. I judged you before you could explain and that was wrong on my part. And I realize that now." I say and Xalvador just grunts softly. I wait for him to say something but he doesn't. He just gets up after a while and starts walking out the door. I don't know why but I feel like I can't let him go without forgiving me. I feel this stupid need to make things right. Without thinking for a second I speak.

"I have lost someone too." I say and he freezes in his steps. He turns around after moments and his expression urges me to continue.

"She was, say... my Godmother. My only family. I know she was not my mother or any blood relative. She told me that herself." I sit on the bed now as Xalvador listens intently.

"But she cared for me just like a mother. I don't remember everything but I do remember that she loved me. A lot. I remember that we always use to run. From one forest to another. She would carry me for endless hours and when the night fell, she used to make me fall asleep in her arms- which was like a cradle of warmth and protection. But then, I lost her that evening. I don't know what age I was when I last saw her. It all happened in a blur. She was caressing my back, while I slept contently. Next moment, she was panicking. I thought we would run like always but no- this time she just hid me under the ground. I was barely able to breathe but with her around, I knew I was safe. I heard cries and screams while I was down, battling for air. When the voices fell silent and it became eerie and quite, I came out. Only to see her body shredded to pieces. She was drenched in blood and the sight still gives me nightmares. I lost her. My Godmother. My everything." I finish and realize that I am shaking, tears falling freely. Before I can wipe my drenched cheeks, Xalvador hugs me tightly. I don't resist nor oppose. His hug makes me feel better and... secure. And that is something I need right now. I let go and cry, showing my most vulnerable side to him but I don't care. I don't know if its the mate bond but I don't feel weak as I cry in his arms. It feels... perfectly normal.

"Shhh, sugar bun. Its okay." Xalvador coos and I put my arms around him. He stiffens in surprise but then quickly holds me back while I cry. After few minutes, I pull away as my tears start to wither. I wipe my cheeks with the sleeves of the t-shirt I am wearing. I sit back and Xalvador looks at me with his intense gaze. 

"I'm sorry about accusing you that way earlier," I whisper.

He cups my face and I stay still.

"Its okay. Your outburst is not the only reason I got angry." He says and I frown in confusion.

"What do you mean?" I ask and his eyes wander all over my face before he leans in, pressing his lips to my forehead. 

"Nothing sugar bun. Take rest. You must be tired." He says in a strained voice and walks out of the room. I stare at the ajar door blankly and close my eyes and sigh. It's so messed up with him. He is so... difficult to figure out. He can be all sweet one minute and then back to his old self the next. I saw this completely new side of him today just like he did. I pull my hair in frustration and fall back on the bed.

I wake up to realize its almost time for dinner. I walk down to the kitchen and see some girls cleaning the plates and laying the dishes. I walk to the counter and pick up another plate and a cloth to start cleaning.

"Luna!" A girl says startled as she realizes what I am doing. She catches the attention of the other two girls and they gasp too.

"We-we can do this Luna. Please." One of them says.

"Oh no, please. Let me help. I get bored to death sitting in the room all day and please call me anything but Luna. Please? " I explain softly but confidently, hoping those girls will see that I am normal. Just like them. They exchange reluctant looks and then look at me.

"Don't worry. Your Alpha won't do anything." I assure them and they still hesitate.

"I am sorry Luna but I don't thin-" One of them begins and I cut her off.

"Well, you are stopping the Luna from doing something she wishes," I say authoritatively and they all look down. Great Arabella.

"Hey, no-no I didn't mean to scare you. It is just that I really need some work to do..." I say desperately. "Also you guys seem my age and I could do with some friends here." I shrug and they all look up.

"You mean fri-friends with us?" One of them confirms and I nod.

"But you are the Alpha's-"

"... mate? Yeah, I know but I still remain a human. Besides I am used to a rough life. Of course, you guys know I am a rogue so... Besides this wasn't even my choice." I explain and they look at each other again, giving slight nods.

"We would love to get to know you..?" The girl standing in the middle says.

"Arabella." I complete her sentence and they widen their eyes.

"Please just call me Arabella and I promise no one will tell you anything," I assure and they relax.

"Okay... Arabella. I am Maisie, this is Emily and this is Sandra." Maisie introduces herself and the other two. I smile and shake their hands and they seem to relax a little. We all begin to lay the dishes as they ask me small questions, cautiously.

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