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I've only known her for a couple of minutes, but Genevieve doesn't stop talking. It seems stereotypical and unlikely, and that it's just a metaphor for chatting a lot, but she does not stop. I just walk beside her, taking huge steps to compensate for her fast pace, and try to listen to the torrent of words flowing from her mouth.

"So I've been here a couple of months now, or maybe it's more, but it's been around that time. I've got loads of friends, I'll introduce you to all of them, you can be in our group! I heard you were friends with all the original rebels, what are they like? Are they exciting? Has anyone told you how the class timetable works? Have you chosen your extra classes yet? I have. Have they assigned you a team? Who's in it? I'm in one. Has-"
"Genevieve," I say, interrupting her.
Her mouth closes, and she looks round at me and blinks. "Yes?"
I raise my eyebrows and laugh. "I can't actually hear you. You're talking so quickly."
She looks taken aback for a second, before she giggles. "Sorry. Everyone says that. Dylan swears that my actual power's just making random noise, not manipulating it. Of course, then Sasha just told him all the reasons he was wrong."
"They sound... interesting," I say.
She cocks her head to one side, and thinks for a moment before saying, "They are. A couple of them are in Multi too. You'll meet them soon."

We round a corner and Genevieve points up ahead as we walk. "That's the Hall. Be prepared."
So I frown, and I'm about to open my mouth and ask why when she pushes the huge double doors open and reveals a vast, spacious room. It looks just like the sports hall at my old school, but three times bigger and filled with equipment you would definitely never find in a school gym. Three young kids are grouped around an adult who's leading them around the room. As I watch, the man stops and so do his charges. The man says something and they reply, and then the group is moving again, aiming towards two girls fighting in the corner of the room. I squint as they both flash in and out of view, throwing kicks that get countered and punches that get blocked. Several times little bursts of colour and light erupt from the pair, and I smile. These powers just wouldn't be the same if they didn't come with all the showy effects. Genevieve starts talking again as I look around, and she points to the man with the three kids beside him, now watching the match intently.

"That's Rich. He's one of the adults. Nobody knows his power," she says, and giggles. "He helps people find a good match for them. Mostly we do stuff on our own, but if you get stuck or need advice you go to your buddy. You'll both have similar abilities, so they can help you best out of all the people here." She nods to the children. "They arrived a month ago, all in a group. Dr Elian gave them some time to get used to this, I think, but now I guess they're ready to start proper classes. They'll go round the room and Rich will show them all the different people, and help them find a match. If they don't get one, I guess they have to go and look at Surveillance or Combat." She shrugs. "I don't know. I found my trainer almost immediately. And now I've got two trainees of my own!"

As we watch, the match finishes, and Rich walks up to one of the fighters. She nods as he says something in her ear, and then he steps away and she smiles at one of the kids. Rich nods and the girl goes off with her new trainee, and then he looks around and frowns. Genevieve waves at him and points to me, and I frown at her but he's already changed course towards us. The two kids trailing behind him look supremely fed up as he approaches.

"Hi, Rich," says Genevieve, giving him a big smile. "This is Amelie. Dr Elian probably told you about her, right?"
"He did, yes," answers Rich, and his voice is surprisingly low for someone who looks so frazzled and tired. "It's a pleasure to meet you, Amelie. Did Elian send you here, or did you just get caught up with Genevieve?"
She laughs as I say, "No, he gave me this class. And apparently I have to have a trainer, so I guess..."
Rich looks at me for a moment, and then he frowns slightly. "Amelie, you're a special case. Your shapeshifting is unlike any power we've experienced - from what I've been told, even the animal shifters we have are different. As I normally do with those who are put in Multi-Purpose but have very unique powers, I'm going to let you choose how you train yourself. Dr Elian agrees with me, so as long as you can show you're improving we're going to let you do what you like in these lessons."
I blink at him. "Wow. Okay. Are you sure? I mean, not that I don't want to, but-"
"Amelie," he says, smiling at me, "you successfully completed your first mission. I'm sure."

He gives me one last nod, and one to Genevieve, and then he's gone again, touring the massive room with his two charges trailing behind. Genevieve laughs as he leaves.

"What?" I ask, crossing my arms.
She tries to cover her mouth but the smile still shows. "Sorry. It's nothing, it's just... your face when he told you you're good enough to work on your own." She giggles again. "Come on. I have to introduce you to my friends."

Genevieve starts walking before I can even reply, and I hurry to catch up with her fast walking. She starts talking again as we pass through the huge hall, pointing out pretty much everything she can see. I try my hardest to listen, but as soon as I see what she's chatting about she's already moved on. So I just nod and keep going, and soon we're nearing a bunch of teens who look my age, all crowded around in a ring.

I stare at them. "What's happening?"
Genevieve turns her head to the circle, and she walks faster as she replies, "It's a match. It's got to be. Nothing gets them more excited than a good old-fashioned fight."
"Okay then," I say, and then we both reach the ring.

Genevieve starts pushing through, muttering a few excuses and sorries, and I follow in the path she creates. Before long, we're standing right in the centre of the crowd, and we've got a clear view of the two people in the middle of the circle. A girl with thick brown hair in a swinging ponytail is bouncing around on the balls of her feet as a strong-looking boy with sparkling dark eyes stands opposite her in a fighting position. As I watch, the crowd shouting encouragement all around me, the girl shoots the boy a little smirk, and he sends one right back.

Genevieve funnels her hands and shouts, "Come on, Mini!" She pumps her fist in the air and the cheering grows louder as I try to shout over the noise.
"Who are they?" I yell, elbowing Genevieve.
"Minerva's the girl, and the boy's Thomas. They've both been here about the same time as me, but they're a million times better at controlling their powers. This is going to be something you won't forget!" she says, cheering for her friend again.
I watch them closely as they begin to circle each other, and Minerva's tensed form flickers slightly.

I frown.

Minerva lashes out with her fist and Thomas jumps out of the way, and he sends a return straight back to her. She blocks it with her forearm and drives her elbow into Thomas' stomach. He grunts and suddenly she's gone, and I crane my neck to see her. But I can't find the other fighter, and Thomas narrows his eyes and raises his fists as the crowd quietens. A beat of utter silence passes, long and stretched out, and then I see a slight shimmer out of the corner of my eye. Minerva ripples back into view and she leaps for Thomas, fist outstretched, and his eyes widen and he flings out his hand. Minerva's still in mid-air as a swirling blood-red void opens up before her, and she can't stop herself as she plunges into it. The crowd cheers and Thomas immediately throws his palm out again, up to the sky, and suddenly Minerva appears out of the scarlet hole that coalesces on the ceiling. She drops straight down and vanishes halfway to the ground, and all I hear is a faint thump as she lands. Thomas rolls his eyes and a smile grows on his face as another girl, blonde hair cut to shoulder-length, strolls out to the middle of the circle.

"Okay, this is over now. You guys can't beat each other today. Save it for the competition, right?" she announces, with a grin on her face.
Minerva reappears just behind Thomas, and she complains, "Come on, I was just about to beat him up!" But she's smiling as she says it, and the other girl laughs.
"What competition?" I whisper to my new friend.
Genevieve says, "We're holding a competition within Multi to find the best fighter. We do it every year, and the winner's hardly ever the same person two years in a row. I came second once... just lost out to Imogen Walsh. Which reminds me, you should enter! And if you're joining in, people need to know who you are."
"Wait, what?" I start, about to ask her what she means, but suddenly her hand is around my wrist and she's pulling me towards the centre of the circle. I stumble slightly as she yanks me after her, and then I'm standing in front of most of the Multi class with a beaming Genevieve by my side. She holds my arm up like a champion, and she grins widely as she announces,

"Guys, meet Amelie Carmichael!"

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