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As soon as I reach him, Ryan disappears down the corridor that stretches out in front of me, and he slips through one of the doors on the sides. I walk after him, and I pass three doorways before I turn right. I grab the handle and twist, and as I step through into the room Ryan starts talking.

"This is a combat cell," he explains. I look around at the all-white room, faceless on every side. The only distinguishing feature is the blank door behind me. "We use the cells for practising fighting, with both physical skills and powers. They're designed to resist huge levels of damage, so even if someone tries to blow up a wall they'll only make a scorch mark."
"This is where the Hand-to-Hand classes are held. One exception, though, you're going to be taught a little differently."
I frown. "What do you mean?"
"Most people have powers that work well outside of physical combat, or don't even have combat powers. They get trained without abilities. However, some people, like you, also use their powers in combat to increase their skills. Super-strength, adaptation, things like that. So you get trained with your abilities as well, and that also means your opponent can use theirs," explains Ryan. "Normally in this class we get put up against random opponents and fight for an hour, but you're still learning how much damage you can impart. So, for a few weeks, you'll have a set partner."
"Okay," I say, smiling. "When do we start?"
Ryan looks taken aback for a second, before his face relaxes. "We? Last time we fought I ended up bleeding. No, you're going to have a different person fighting you."
I try to swallow the odd tinge of disappointment that rises up in me as he says it. "Who?"
"His name is Cade Wilson. He's got impenetrable skin and he can't feel pain, so he has a high tolerance for damage. There are very few things that can harm him," Ryan tells me. "Have fun."

Before I can register the fact that he's moving away from me, he's out of the door and another boy is standing in his place. Six feet tall and broad-shouldered, he looks like he belongs in an action movie. His expression doesn't do anything to take away the resemblance to an action hero - stoic and largely blank.
"Hi," I say, but my voice sounds too small. "I'm Amelie."
He gives me a nod, unsmiling, but I recognise that the sentiment behind the action matches mine. "Cade," he replies. He swings his arms back and forth, getting ready to fight. "How are you at taking hits?"
My eyes widen. "What do you mean?"
"Does your power give you any resistance to damage? I don't want to hit you with full force if you can only take half."
"I don't have anything that protects me. I can just change shape."
Cade snorts, and for a minute I think he's mocking me, but then his expression changes subtly and I catch a glimpse of respect. "I've heard about you. The doctor told me not to underestimate you, and that goes for you too. Don't shortchange yourself. If you're here, you're special."
A warm glow starts to spread around my body at his words. "Thank you."
"Don't worry about it," he tells me, and then he readies his fists.
I smile despite what we're about to do, and I hold mine up too, earlier fatigue fading at the thought of a challenge. "Bring it on."

Cade lets out a roar and charges towards me, but I see him coming and I twist my body to get out of the way. He turns, faster than I thought he could, and his hand flies towards me as my fist swells in size and I swing it towards him. The hit connects and he looks startled, his own punch halting in mid-air. I quickly jump away from him, and then we're at opposite corners of the cell.

"How did you do that?" he asks, a glint of awe in his face.
I shrug. "I have no clue. It just happens."
He grins at me, and even though it's only a small smile it lights up his whole face. "Let's see what else you can do."

My roar matches Cade's as we run towards each other.


By the end of the session, we're both panting and sweaty, although I'm more worn out than Cade. The fight went on for fifty minutes uninterrupted, and we've each landed some solid blows on the other. My ribs are sore and painful from when one of Cade's giant fists connected. I don't want to think about how much damage he could do if he wasn't holding back. But, even though there isn't a single mark on him, I know I managed to hit Cade back several times, and it fills me with pride. I morphed countless times during the battle, and it's paid off. I've even lost some of my fear of not being able to change back. We smile at each other as we walk towards the exit, and Cade lifts up a hand. For a minute I think he's about to restart the fight and adrenaline floods my body, but then I realise what he's actually trying to do. I raise my hand and he clasps it in his huge one, and we shake.

"Good fight," he says, and I know he means it. He gives me a nod again, and slips out of the room with more stealth than I expected. I follow after him, and see Amber waiting outside.

"Hey," she greets me. "How did it go?"
I grin. "Pretty good. I'm so sore though."
"Definitely," she agrees, and lays a hand on my side. Pain shoots through my ribs and I flinch slightly, but then the cool sensation of healing spreads through me and I sigh. "Feels good, right? I persuaded Ryan to let me take you to Strategy so I could make you all better." She says the last words in a different voice, high and sickly-sweet. I laugh, and she giggles too.
"What actually is Strategy?" I ask her, and Amber's eyes widen slightly.
"Elian didn't tell you?" she says quizzically. Her face stretches into a grin. "It's the best session of all!"

Before she says another word, Amber takes off at high speed and yells at me to follow her. I quickly start running, but the extra speed proves to be unneeded, as we round the next corner almost immediately and suddenly my guide halts. Her speed change is so abrupt that I nearly collide with her. I only manage to stop myself by skidding with my shoes, and I'm pretty sure I lose half the soles to the skid marks now on the floor.

"Here we are!" she says brightly.

Amber pushes the heavy-looking door to our left and it swings open. She slips inside. I follow after her, and I'm greeted with an empty room. No furniture, no decorations, no features - apart from three evenly-spaced columns spread down the middle. Not even any people, besides Amber. The walls are creamy white and the floor is made of polished wooden slabs. But while the combat cell's emptiness felt strange and slightly hostile, this space feels homely. As I'm admiring the room, there's a noise behind me, and I swing round to see Hunter and Lila entering the room. Ryan's hot on their heels.

"Welcome to the Box!" Hunter announces, cupping his hands around his mouth. He lowers them and winks at me. "We don't actually call it that. Well, they don't, at least."
Lila sighs. "Ignore him. We need to get going. Elian's got another mission lined up for us - we've got a week to develop some moves."
I frown. "I thought... wait, don't we develop our powers in Control?"
"Combination moves. Teamwork," she replies. "Why don't we show you?"

I give her a little nod, interested. Lila steps back and hollers, "DEFENCE FOUR!" I'm about to ask what it means when suddenly all four of my teammates scramble to a spot on the floor. Ryan hovers above, Lila's right in the middle, and Hunter and Amber are flanking her. Lila nods, and they fly into action.

Lila flings her hands towards Amber and she suddenly disappears, at the same time as Ryan swoops down to pick up Hunter. The airborne two drop down while Lila casts the illusions of an army approaching, and Amber shimmers back in and out of view between the projected soldiers.

They show me several more strategies, and then we even try coming up with new ones - this time including me too. The coolest idea we come up with is Ryan lifting me up - and then my fist swells, Ryan drops me, and I do a superhero landing. Fist in front, one bent leg, one outstretched, slowly lift up the head. It's cheesy, but it works. From the way it shakes the room, I know it's going to be a great move if we use it in actual combat.

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