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In the end, several people choose not to fight. Some are excluded automatically - kids the same age as James and Sophia, people who have abilities unusable in combat. However the vast majority of the rebels are willing to defend themselves against Roman, and so when, on the same day, Elian calls a strategy meeting, the auditorium is packed.

Although Hunter, Amber, Lila and I helped come up with the defence plans, we choose not to stand onstage this time. Only the key leaders are needed now. My dad felt the same way, and so this time only Elian and Markus are in full view of the crowd.

"We don't have much time," Elian begins, bluntly, "and so I'll make this quick. You have no idea what a difference your volunteering will make. I am incredibly proud of all of you here today. You can all consider yourselves among the bravest, most courageous people I have ever known. Thank you."
He pauses for a second, eyes skimming over the crowd. "We have come up with a relatively simple plan. This will be a three-pronged defence, comprising of three teams: Boosters, Defenders and Fronts. These are very basic names, for simplicity, although they all have very important roles. The Boosters will be comprised of anyone willing for their abilities be enhanced and strengthened. Being boosted will give you more power and strength, but it can have unpredictable side effects. Therefore, only people who volunteer will be put in the Booster team." I realise he's talking about Victoria, the woman who helped me shift back to myself when I was learning to control my ability. She must be in for one hell of a headache once she's boosted everyone.

Markus steps up then, and carries on talking. "The Defenders' task is simple - they will be the last barrier between the base and our opponents. People with defensive abilities will be placed in this team, and although we hope that we will not need to fall back on them, they will prepare as many different defences and traps as possible."

Then, it's Elian's turn again, and he takes a breath before speaking. "Finally, the Fronts will be the first line of defence. They will be the largest team, and will be the people well-suited to combat or able to resist damage. This does not require much explaining either, as their task is simply to take down as many opponents as possible, as fast as they can." He pauses and shuts his eyes, and I frown as his brow creases. "Lethal force... is recommended," he says quietly, and murmurs break out around me at the words.

But Elian's already moving on, and he shoots a nod at someone to his left, out of sight. I watch as the Professor walks quickly across the stage, to a small black box. He taps it and moves his finger, and suddenly the box unfolds and lifts and turns, and then there's a hovering screen above the stage. He whips out a small tablet from his pocket and touches it, and the screen flickers to life. I stare at it. It's displaying a blank table, with two columns - name and team.

"We're now going to sort you," Elian announces. "If you wish to be put in the Booster team, please just tell us. We'll put you in. Obviously, you should come up one by one, and any pushing will get you sent straight to the back of the line. Please, be patient."

With that he turns abruptly and stands beside the Professor, who hands the tablet over to him. The small boy says something, and Elian nods, tapping at the screen. Moments later, the first entry appears on the screen.


The Professor walks off as everyone in the auditorium begins to stand and move towards the stage. Hunter grabs my hand as he slips into the queue, and I follow, finding we're actually pretty early in the line. I see Genevieve just ahead of Hunter, and tap her on the shoulder. She looks round, and her face breaks into a smile.

"Hey, Amelie! How are you?" she asks.
"Okay, thanks. You?"
She shrugs. "I'm good. A bit unsure which team I'm going to choose, though."
I frown. "What do you mean? You'll be amazing in the attack team."
"No, not that," she explains, "whether I'm going to pick Boosters or not."
"Oh," I say, with a laugh. "No way I'm going there. I got enhanced once - such an uncomfortable experience!"
Genevieve smiles. "Yeah, Minerva was telling me the same thing just now." She peeks over my shoulder, and frowns. "Whoops... she's pretty far back. Anyway," she continues, "apparently when she found her trigger to turn invisible she couldn't become visible again. Elian had to tell her to stand in a specific place so this woman could help her change back."
"Yeah, pretty much the same as me," I say, smiling. "I got so carried away shifting that I couldn't change back to myself. It was... dramatic."
Hunter nods, and stage-whispers, "She caused a mini... tornado... thing."
Genevieve's eyes widen and I elbow Hunter, trying not to grin. He nudges me back, and points ahead, smiling and saying, "We're at the front, Genevieve."

She turns and sees Elian beckoning her, and lets out an "Oh!" before walking up to him. I stare at the still-hovering screen, now displaying at least twenty names. As I watch, Genevieve's own name materialises, followed by "FRONTS". She turns and gives me a thumbs-up as she walks off, and then it's my turn.

Elian smiles as I approach. "Amelie. Which team will you join?"
I say, "The Fronts, please."
He nods and enters my name, and I look up as "AMELIE CARMICHAEL. FRONTS" appears on the screen. "Good luck."
"Thank you," I reply, smiling back.
I'm about to walk off the stage when he suddenly clears his throat, and looks me in the eye. "Listen, Amelie... are you alright?"
"Um... yeah," I say uncertainly. "What do you mean?"
He grimaces. "You've... just been through a lot lately, that's all. I just wanted to make sure you're okay, with all that's happened."
"I'm fine," I answer. "Thank you for... checking up on me."

I walk off the stage, leaving Hunter to go up and choose his team. I frown as I realise that the reason I'm fine with everything happening so quickly is that I'm not really focusing on it. I've just shoved all the bad thoughts into the farthest recesses of my mind and ignored them. But I guess it's for the best - I can't afford to have a breakdown, not when my future depends on what's about to happen. I have to concentrate on winning, and then I can contemplate my loss.

I shake myself back to reality and look back at the stage, seeing Hunter coming towards me. His choice was quick, I guess. I look up to the screen, expecting something similar to mine and Genevieve's entries.



He comes towards me with a smile, and he's barely come close when I storm up to him and say, trying not to shout in front of everyone, "What did you just do?"
His smile falters. "I... what do you mean?"
"Were you not listening that entire time I was warning Genevieve off the Boosters team? It could be really dangerous. What were you thinking?"
"Amelie," he says, staring straight at me, "I'm not deluded. I know there are side effects. But... I can fight. Hand-to-hand, I'm pretty good - against prison guards. But now we're up against other superhumans? I can't compete on that level, Amelie, you know I can't."
"So your solution is to potentially kill yourself before the battle even starts?" I ask, incredulous.
He shrugs. "It's my best shot."

Anger fills me and I clench my fists, stalking away from him, away from the crowd. But I haven't got far when he grabs my arm and turns me around.
"Why are you being so unreasonable? What is your problem? I know it could be dangerous, but it'll be more dangerous if I can't defend myself out there! I don't know why you're so against-"
"Because I have already lost people I care about, and I'm sure as hell not going to lose you!" I shout, pulling my arm out of his grip.
He stares at me. "What?"
"You don't have a clue, do you?" I say softly. "I... Hunter, you mean so much to me. Don't you dare die."
There's a beat of silence before he says, "I won't."
"Promise?" I whisper.
"Promise," he answers.

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