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Three years ago, the world was different.

Superhumans, like us, were prosecuted. We were locked up, imprisoned, jailed for what we could do. Some of us evaded the law, and we formed a rebellion.

Three years ago, the world changed forever.

Nathan Carmichael's name has been carved in history, and his speech that revealed everything about the rebellion and its enemy has been fixed in the annals of time. His revelation about the Explosion, the catastrophic event that happened twenty years ago, rocked the world. He went to prison for life, voluntarily, wanting to pay for what he did, and the world saw the superhumans for the first time as people. The cause of the Explosion had been found, and nobody really knew how to treat superhumans afterwards. So Dr Michael Elian, who Carmichael made the new head of superhuman affairs, freed all of them, using one of the prisons to house those who refused to join the rebels after their side, Roman's side, was defeated. It took the world a couple of years to get used to the fact that superhumans were no longer imprisoned, and it took the superhumans even longer to believe they were truly free. Most of the rebels returned to the outside world, now free, Markus and Rosa Kadora among them. Their daughter, Lila, remained in the base with several other rebels. Amelie Carmichael, Hunter Jackson, Matthew Tyrone, Sophia Carmichael, Alexander Gray - also known as the Professor - Victoria McLean, Thomas Hamilton and Genevieve Chan were among those who stayed.

Two years ago, the world changed again.

Dr Elian converted the prisons, except one remaining superhuman prison, to Super Centres, and transformed the rebel base into a training facility. The Testing, once used to indicate supers and lock them up, was now something every child looked forward to. A negative result, and your life stayed the same. Positive, and you were invited to the training facility to master your powers. If you were deemed in control after your mandatory year of training, you went back out into the world as a fully-fledged superhuman. If you weren't, or you had a dangerous power, you had a choice: stay in the training centre for longer, or return to the world with an assigned instructor. The instructor would check up on you once a week in your nearest Super Centre, and make sure that you were handling your power, that you weren't endangering yourself or others. If you were at risk, you were sent back to the training centre. Super Centres were equipped with healing facilities and combat cells. The new system kept the world safe, and superhumans free.

One year ago, the training centre was renamed "The Kadora Institute".

In honour of the battle that had passed two years before, claiming several lives, they built a huge memorial in the institute. And, every time a superhuman passed, their name was added. After the battle, and all the work that happened beforehand, the memorial was full of superhumans who lost their lives. There are over a hundred names on it, including ours.


We're not really gone, you see. We died, and we can't be with you anymore. But we'll always be here, engraved in memories, inscribed on marble. We're with you through the happy times, through the hard times, through all the times when you miss us, and you feel you can't go on. We'll always be here for you - our son, my sister, my daughter, my father, my friends.

And, when the time comes, we'll see you again someday.

Wow. It's finally finished. Thank you all so so much for sticking with me through Morph - it means so much to me. It's made an amazing difference, and all your votes and comments always make my day. I'm going to be dedicating chapters to all of you who have supported me, and I want to say, again, thank you all so much.

Hannah x

EDIT: A year later, and this story has received so many comments and votes and, to my utter astonishment and delight, a Watty award. I am so grateful to everyone who's read Morph, and helped it get to where it currently is; I read each and every one of your great comments, even if I get a little too many to reply to all of them! Thank you all, honestly, from the bottom of my heart.

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