Chapter 15: The End of the Beginning

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The taxi halted outside Zara's. She hadn't stopped talking since her final snog with Pete.

"And did you see Tam's face, when Pete put his arm us as we were leaving? I'd no idea she liked him so much."

"Good night Zara. Go get some sleep." We hugged and kissed.

I thought I was finally shot of her but she turned around and put her hands on her hips, wobbling on the one healed shoe.

"Minta, what did you do to that girl, you know the one in the loos? If I could read her expression right, she wished you to hell."

I scowled, thoughtfully. "No idea who you're on about."

"Oh. She had a fantastically short dress. Very sexy."

The Taxi revved.

I shrugged. "I met this guy, maybe she was with him and I got in her way."

Zara's face lit up. "Oooo, yes. I saw him. Tell me everything in the morning."

I was about to say 'there's nothing to tell', but decided it'd prolong the agony. I wanted to get to Jasmine Cottage then home.

I watched her go in before allowing the taxi driver to drive off.

My inner alarm bell rang at something Zara had said, but it was late and I was tired, so I couldn't workout why.


Quarter to twelve, it was still the Solstice, just. I slammed the taxi door shut and made the driver promise to come back in an hour or so. I didn't fancy walking alone at one a.m. even with a Red Kite trailing me.

A garland of evergreen leaves, holly and mistletoe hung on the door and the wintery smell of nutmeg and cinnamon seeped through the letterbox. Little lights framed the window and I could see an abundance of wooden animal-shaped decorations inside, along with a tree. It was Christmas come early. In all the years I'd known Gam, I'd never questioned why the decs went up on the twenty-first.

"Ouch, Dawlish! Oh, not my tights. Damn cat." I picked him up as the door scraped opened.

"Happy Yuletide." Gladys greeted me with a hug and a smile. I couldn't help but be surprised. She laughed. "It is a time to celebrate. Another year has passed and from out of the darkness, new life will arise."

I dropped Dawlish on the threshold and nodded, half understanding. It sounded like Christmas and Easter all rolled into one. "Is this a pagan thing or an Wiccan thing we're doing?" I sat down at the table whilst a mirage of happenings proceeded around me and a banquet of dried fruits and cake appeared before our eyes.

"Neither and both. The Solstice belongs to all who claim it, Celts, Druids, ancient Greeks, Romans and more. Each one has their own traditions, but all know it as a time for reflection, resolutions and renewal."

I pulled out the wire-wrapped amethyst from out of my bag. "I made this for you, with a touch of magic."

Gladys didn't move for a moment, her expression, as usual, didn't change. "Thank you."

Finally, she took a short, sharp breath in as she picked up the pendent from the table. "Amethyst stills the mind and protects against witchcraft. It has long been used to aid spiritual wisdom and heal negativity." The cord draped over the back of her hand. "I feel there was much love behind the choice if stone."

I felt embarrassed. "Well, I meant to give it to... I mean I chose the stone for Gam, but it seemed fitting to give it to you, it matches your ring." I hoped it didn't make the gift seem a cheap alternative.

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