Chapter 17: The Shopping Trolley Assassination

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"Gladys, Edgar. Edgar, Gladys." I dumped my bag, with force, on the kitchen table. "I understand you two know each other and it's just me in the dark, as usual." I stomped over to the fire. Edgar and I hadn't spoken after he'd re-snowed the field, and the tension between us was running a little high. I couldn't work out if I'd done wrong or if Edgar had decided I had, or not.

"Why couldn't you tell me Gladys? You know Dawlish was following me home. He was in my room all night. You let me take a guy home!"

Gladys closed the door – manually, to bide time. "I am not to allowed to mention the Overseer and hoped you would not need to meet yours." Her tone was scathing. "Most Cumendre never have to meet their Overseer. Selfishly, I did not want anything to distract you."

"Or make me change my mind while I still could. True?"

The sadness in her face was obvious, and a feeling of hatred streamed its way across the room towards Edgar. "I thought my protection spells and incantation would keep you safe. That was all we used in the past." Gladys looked accusingly at the Overseer. "However, I am sorry your Great Aunt and I miscalculated the risk of danger in the garden. After that budding magician paid us a visit, Edgar did indeed inform me there had been a demon lurking in the shadows, a problem he could solve. Nonetheless, neither of us realised how much you would be hunted by mortals. It is unusual for a Cumendre to be sort after by mortals. Few know we exist."

Edgar butted in, "And these mortals know too much. Someone is feeding them information. Someone who knew they had to block my overseeing and drug Araminta the point she couldn't use her true eye."

"Hi, I'm still here. True eye?"

"The gateway to your power." Edgar laid his finger on my forehead above my nose, between my eyes. "With the right magical preparation a supernatural being can prevent your magic developing by closing your third eye."

I tilted forward, my body desiring the relief Edgar's touch brought to the sudden burning on my forehead. "The headaches..."

"Your powers are awakening. When you've harnessed your gift, your magic will hold fast permanently. Though I still don't believe any mortal in this millennia could know there's a way to hinder this process." Edgar drew his hand slowly away but I sat unmoved, mesmerised, lost in his unnaturally green eyes. The throbbing had gone; Edgar smiled his half smile, which I might have thought it was sweet, if he wasn't such a pain.

Gladys strode over, her silk skirt flicking from side to side. She squeezed my shoulder and standing over me lifted my chin to face her. I blinked several times.

"Are you suffering? I have remedies to ease the pain of a third eye's awakening. I did not realise it troubled you. I am sorry."

I shook my head. "It's fine. I hadn't realised the headaches were connected, but if opening this extra eye will stop the bad guys then let's go."

"It won't stop them. Awaking the third eye was only the start," said Edgar.

"Then what will stop the idiots seeking me out? How do I go permanent?" I croaked back.

Edgar put his head in his hands. Gladys' finger went to her lips in prayer. Neither guide nor overseer met my eyes.

Impatience engulfed me. "Well, come on. How do I live normally?"

"In truth," Edgar sat up and breathed in deeply. I wasn't going to like what he had to say, "we can't tell you. It could influence your actions and alter the course of your life."

A Touch of MagicOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora