Chapter 16: Edgar

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I came round slowly, in silence, in the dark, in bed, in nightclothes. Another dream?


Maybe not...

I didn't say anything. I recognised the voice, both soft and strong. This time he didn't need to shout over cheesy Christmas music.


I closed my eyes and thought about my next move.


The room became a fraction brighter. I glanced around; no lights had been turned on. Two can play that game. "Ætberan," I whispered. Obeying me, the bedside lamp flicked itself awake.

My uninvited guest didn't blinked. "How do you feel?"

I stared, still unsure if this was a very vivid dream. "I want my cat back."

He smiled and held out his hand. "I'm Ed. Edgar."

"What did you do with Dawlish?" I knew. I remembered. But I wanted to hear it.

"Sorry I'm a disappointing alternative." He looked genuinely distressed.

I shook my head silently. Then... "Ug! I cuddled you in bed." I bolted off the mattress and stood by the door, angry and disapproving. "I scratched your, your... Oh blooming heck. Can't even say it." I looked over sharply at Edgar feeling violated. He'd betrayed me.

"Actually, I helped rescue you." Edgar still appeared sorry, but his dark eyebrows had narrowed.

My voice rose as loud as it could without waking mum and Rob. "How do you know what I think?" Panting with rage, my face tingled with flushing.

"Sorry, I try not to read you, but..."

It was getting worse. I stared hard at his expressionless face. Read me? Mind read? Surely not?

He nodded. "Mind read, yes, but I try not to and won't unless you request me to."

I glanced about the room, for what I wasn't sure until I saw my dressing gown. I pulled it off the hook and after fighting to find the right holes for each arm, sat down on the bed.

Silence. Edgar didn't move a muscle.

"Did you undress me?" I had to know, but couldn't look at him to judge if he was about to tell me the truth.

"Sort of, but your mother always checks on you. I didn't remove your undergarments." Panic crossed Edgar's face as he waved his hands in acquittal.

I shifted around to check. Everything was present and correct, except the buttons had been done-up out of sync. "Ok, you know all about me, now spill about you?" I sighed. "You can start with why you ate my cat."

He smiled. It was a warm smile. "I've always been Dawlish. Your predecessor knew I was waiting for the next Cumendre."

I shook my head. "Gam knew? Waiting, why? What are you?"

Edgar looked hesitant. "Can I sit down, I promise I'm the good guy."

I couldn't deny it. Not much made sense, but admittedly. I'd always felt safe when Dawlish was around. "You've been helping all along. Coming into my room and chasing away the nightmares."

"Sort of." Edgar nodded making his body rock back and forth on the bed.

"What do you mean, sort of? You either did or didn't." The anger rose again, and then dropped with a shudder. "Of course... They weren't dreams, were they?"

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