Chapter 25: Holding My Breath

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I made sure Zara and I were together the whole time whilst we dressed and got ready, so Edgar had no chance to drop in and grill me. Still feeling guilty for putting Zara through hell the previous night, I amused her with bits of frivolous magic. Hair, nails and clothes done, we left armed with looking beautiful as our main defense against the boys.

We split at The Red Café, after a very long and meaningful hug.

George sat in the darkest of corners. My heart fluttered. He would always be Gorgeous George to me, but now? I realized Zara had been right; he was merely an idol, my boy-band pinup. I had to talk this out and put things straight, without mentioning magic.

"Minta." He stood to welcome me, something Ed and George had in common. I sensed worry though, maybe regret.

Ordering cake from a passing waitress, I walked over, far more confidently than I felt. There was an awkward moment when we didn't know whether to hug, kiss or shake hands, so we randomly did all three. Any chemistry between us was suffering from confusion. "I'm sorry about last night," I said.

He nodded without looking my way. "It's okay." There was internal wrangling going on in George. And it was my fault. "I keep thinking fate's keeping us apart." He picked up a tube of sugar shook it up and down. "I really like you Minta. You're sweet and quirky. It doesn't feel wrong to find you attractive now you're older. I thought maybe we could see what happened if we got close."

I looked ahead. This was what I'd daydreamed about for years. But wasn't what I wanted anymore.

"Do you feel the same? Minta?"

I couldn't completely lie, "I might." Smiling, I squeezed the words out through clenched teeth.

He grinned back wryly. "I keep thinking this over and I can't go on without telling you something, first." He looked at me, sorry to the bone. "I've never really stopped loving your cousin."

My whole body collapsed back into the chair. "Shelly!"

George scowled. "No. Good God no, Josie."


I stared eyes wide, and then I laughed. The weight on my shoulders leapt off and all of a sudden I could smell coffee and croissants. It was so obvious, the ticket, the books and the renewed interest in me, Josie's favorite cousin. Even the images in the Crystal ball, the night I cast the love spell, were ones Josie would've been in, had I really looked.

George scowled. "Minta?"

"Sorry George, but everything makes sense. You like Josie. Love Josie! Even a well-prepared love spell couldn't get us together. Your heart's elsewhere."

George considered my words. It took a moment for him to realise I'd rejected his offer of giving us a go. He nodded with raised eyebrows. "You're right. But I've never stood a chance with Josie. Even after I started seeing Shelly, Jo didn't seem upset or interested.

Glowering, I pulled the sugar out from his hand. "Wait, you started seeing Shelly to get Josie's attention, I thought you were clever George?"

His foot jogged up and down under the table as he squirmed. "That wasn't the only reason. Shelly was, let's say attentive, and I was bored."

"Too much information, George."

My focus switched to the mug and plate being placed down in front of me. They vibrated on the table due to George's nervous leg. Aware of this, George collapsed back in his seat, shamefully quiet whilst I began eating.

"I don't know why I'm telling you anything, Min." Longstanding resignation oozed from his voice.

"Because you've a feeling I can help sort it out?" 

A Touch of MagicOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora