Chapter 21: In Love and War

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"Zara, he's got my number." I knew it was a genuine Gorgeous George text because I'd extracted his number from Shelly's phone several Christmas's ago. It was a contact favourite.

"Let's see. Cripes. But it's Zumba. I thought we were going to Jasmine Cottage after."

"Zara!" Let the stomach butterflies commence. "Stuff Zumba."

She laughed. Her dating Pete meant she still let me off my George crush. Zara's brow creased. "Minta, I forgot to mention it, but Pete said Robbie's stopped playing football at lunchtimes as well as after school."

George was approaching. Though Shelly was holding his hand, he dropped it as soon as he saw me. "Zara, I'm going to get that bloke away from Shelly. I really am. You watch me."

"Tell me all about it at Jasmine Cottage. Meet you there."

Remembering to breathe, I tried to exhale the butterflies without success. A nervous shiver took hold as George gave me a welcome hug.

"You're cold Minta, have my scarf. It's cashmere and itchy but might assist."

I sucked in a breath as George wrapped it around my neck. "Thanks. You wanted me? To see me, I mean." I glanced down at his hands as he pulled an envelope out from his pocket.

"I feel like I'm always giving you tickets." He winked and grinned gorgeously. "They're for the Valentine's Presentation. Josie didn't collect hers. Why don't you go with her?"

It was more than I could've dreamed of. "George, I don't know what to say."

"Look, I know you've probably got better things to do, but one, I'd love to see you there and you can't get in without an invite, and two, Jo had some revolutionary ideas for getting industry to invest in the developing world, you know, people being able to help themselves and stuff. She could save lives, and enable pride. I'm not joking." He dropped his rucksack onto the floor and pulled out a Waterston's bag. "And here's two books that might help. I can't give them to her, because Dad's company sponsoring the event. It'd put Dad in an awkward position."

I was barely listening, caught up in the unbelievable.

I had his scarf.


"Where's Gladys? This is so neat and tidy." Zara ran her finger over a non-dusty worktop. "So not like your Gam."

"Tell me about it," I said. Jasmine Cottage seemed cold without Gladys. I didn't want to stay too long.

"Why are we here? Can I open the fridge?"

"Yeah, go ahead. I need a spell to write a newer will.

"Fantastic, Minta! It's full of all my favourite foods!"

"Yeah, funny that. Help yourself, Zar. It has to be a will that looks authentic. I can't simply make up a witness. It's going to get seriously examined because Dad and Dave are dead."

"Use the witness you've got, who was it, Mr someone?"

"Captain Ferndale. How? He signed Dad and Dave's will in the February. He's going to know he didn't do another one..." I stopped. "Unless..."

"Unless, you put the suggestion to him that under the circumstances, he should support Josie in this injustice. Army people don't like injustice."

"I won't need to." I dashed into the sitting room, followed by Zara with chocolate. "Ætberan." The spell book dropped into my arms and I nearly fell over.

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