Partners 3:What if I was?

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These three words echoed in my head. Dani just stands in front of me and looks at my eyes angry. She let's out a big breath and her features calm down. I look at he shocked and I bring my hand to my neck, not knowing what to say. The wind brushed some of my bangs in front of my eyes. I didn't do a thing about them since I was kinda afraid to move. The way she exploded reminded me how dad would shout at us. My body stiffened by the sudden flash what went away as soon as it came.

 I hid under the table and wished that Matthew was home. Daddy was in the living room. The only sound that I heard was the TV's quiet noise. To someone it mush have seemed like daddy is just watching TV. But I knew better. This was just the "silence before the storm",as Madison would say. Suddenly I heard daddy sobbing. I wanted to run into the room and hug daddy,but as I looked at piece of glass what seemed to fall underneath the table, I saw the not so fresh scar on my forehead. I shivered and decided to stay under the table. I almost hit my head to the table when I heard a loud crash and glass shattering coming from the living room. Dad was yelling 'why's and 'I loved you's. I flinched and started to cry quietly,trying not to make daddy to notice me. But somehow he always found me, no matter what. I can still feel the pa-

"-ley. Riley!"Dani's voice suddenly brought me back to reality. She was looking at me worried and waving her right hand in front of my face. I took a step back with pure shock on my face. What just happened? It was a long time since I had a flashback like why now? "Are you okay?"

"Y-Yeah."My voice was higher than I wanted it to be."You just caught me off guard for a minute."I replied with a grin on my face. Play it cool,Riley. "Anyway you shouldn't be so worked over a little misunderstanding." Came the rest a little annoyed. Not like I was hitting on you. 

"Um,yes you were."she said. Did I say that out aloud? 

"Yes,you just did."she said smiling at me devilishly. I gulped and I turned my head to the side,not wanting to see that cute smile on her. So I did hit on her...Fuck my life! 

" what if I did? That wouldn't do much since you're straight." My comeback was partnered with a shit eating grin. She was taken aback and now it was her turn to turn her head sideways. That caused the grin on my face to grow. "Anyway Dani, I think that's all i wanted to talk with you. See you tomorrow." I say and I'm just about to leave to get my skateboard,when she grabs my wrist. I look at her, she's looking at her shoes,clearly embarrassed.

"You aren't leaving without at least giving me your number or s-something." Or something. I smirk and get a pencil out of my backpack. I pull my wrist a little toward me so I can write on her wrist. I write down the numbers and next to it a little message. She looked confused at writing on her wrist. She decided to read it out aloud.

"'You are made of:coal,uranium,potassium and iodine'...what does that even mean?"she asks more like herself than me. I grin at her.

"Now you can contact me. See you tomorrow, Cuki." I said and made my way to get my skateboard from my locker.

 When I walked into the school I had to pas by the cafeteria and I took a quick peek inside. LL and Mr. Evergreen talking to each other. They were smiling and I noticed that both of them had a little mole under their left eye. Eventually right now,that they are next to each other I can't not overlook by the fact that they look almost the same. LL suddenly look at my direction,but I quickly hide behind the door. I don't know why I hid,but it just....happened. When they weren't looking I sneaked past them and got what I came for. When I went by the cafeteria gain they weren't there anymore. I shrugged it off and rolled home.


 No one was home when I arrived. Dad was still at work and Madison said she would be over around 5. That meant I still had two hours for myself. I Ran up to my room and put down my things next to my bed and lied down on my bed. I took a big breath and cherished the smell of my bed. Safety and home. I buried my face into my covers and smiled at how stupid I may look right now. Suddenly I felt a something -or someone getting up on my bed. I rolled to my side and smiled at the Aegean cat that is currently looking straight to my eyes. I lift my arm up and she scoots under it. April starts to purr in embrace.
 April is my cat,if you haven't guessed it. I got her when I was around five years old. Madison gave her to me when I first met her as my second mother. At that time I didn't really know what was happening,I was only aware that I've got a cute little kitten. She always had this affect on my taht she could calm me down. But that's not the only reason why I love her so much. She has always been here for me...except that one time when she got hit by a car. That was around after mom's death. That had a huge impact on me,because that time,I had no one with me. And to make it even worse my father was the one who hit her...But she survived and forgave dad. And so did I. He is not a bad person...he just had a rough past. Even if he-

"Meow~"April's voice brought me back from my thoughts and nuzzled even closer to me. I giggle at her and shut my eyes for a second. However,that second was a really long second,because I eventually  fell asleep with April in my arms.

 I was dreaming about April,Matthew,dad,Madison,Dani(wowser) and about mom....I didn't dream about her a long time...

I really miss her...


Hey guys, I'm back! Sorry again if it's short but at least I updated :D
I wanted to write something here....but now I just don't remember it XD

Anyways thank you for reading and see you soon!

P.S.:I know now! I just wanted to say you rock ;)

P.S.S.:Cuki=cute. C-coal, U-uranium, K-potassium and I-iodine. I'm just showing off as my fried would say XP

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