The dinner talk

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"I can't believe him!"I grunt as I took another bite from my smashed potato. Madison just shook her head,she wasn't defending him,because I was,WE were mad at him for a reason. As always he didn't show up. "I'm so sick of it!"I exclaim again smashing my fork down to the tale. "Whenever we move he says that we will a bunch of time together,but as soon as he goes to work he won't come home only twice a month! Four if we are lucky..."I mumble the last part before gulping a big from my glass of water.

"Riley,I know that you are upset. I am too."she starts."But we have to understand that his job is important to him."Madison says carefully,because she already knows that I'm a like ticking bomb what could explode at any moment. Any wrong word and BOOOM!!!  And she has just done it.

"More important than his family?! More important than his own daughter?!"my outburst shut Madison up. She was shocked and she just started at me,like a deer in the light if the incoming bus. Shit! I lost it again! I took a big breath and leaned back on my seat."I'm sorry."I said. Madison snapped out of it and shook her head.

"Of course you are mad. I am too! We haven't meet in 2 years! Taylor would hav-"Madison cut herself off when she noticed that she started to talk about mom. It's not that it brings bad memories to me. Hell no! Just the thought of her reminds me the good old days when we all were together...happy. But it brings out a different reaction from Madison. They went through so much together and without each other,just to be together. I always envy that bond that they had. That bond was much stronger than what mom had with dad. And he knew that...that's why he-

"Anyway! Anything from Matthew?"Madison suddenly asked and a glanced at the laptop on the table. The Skype was opened,but there was no sing of life. I sigh and shake my head.

"He did told me that if it won't rain there then he will be on training. I assume it's all sunny there and that's why he can't chat with us right now."I told Madison and continued to eat my dinner.

 For a solid two minutes we juts eat in silence. Neither of us knew what to say. I was mad at dad. She was mad at dad and a bunch of other people. My thoughts were weird as always and she was in them. She infected my mind and I can't find a cure and it's starts to annoy me. Wow Riley! First day at your new school and you are already causing drama,have a crush on a girl-not to mention she's straight- and you are already sick of your little crush. What is this if not a fast forward telenovela? 

"She's a really sweet girl,you know."I takes a minute to understand who she is talking about. I just nod,avoiding any eye contact. "I think you two are..."Madison pauses and tries to find the right word,by this point I look up and wait for her to continue. Similar? The same? Good for each other? Don't make me laugh,you wouldn't believe the last one neither. "Different." The fork stops mid air in my hand. Different? What does she mean? Is that good? Is that bad? What do you actually mean woman?! You making me the bad kind of way.

"What do you mean?"I ask. Madison smiles slyly,elbows on the table and rest her head on her palm. I don't like that look. Somehow I always end up in an awkward and embarrassing situation. 

"Don't look so worried! You look like you are about to make a trade with the devil."Madison pouts but I can see that the corner of her mouth tugging to a smile.

"Well you are the devil."I tell her and smirk. Madison fakes a gasp and I hold back my laughter."Anyway,will you explain it or nah?" Madison smiles again.

"You are just different."she says and stand up from the table and starts to gather the now empty dishes.

"That's all?"I asked in disbelief. I follow her to the kitchen where she starts to clean the dishes.

"Yup. Now go and make your homework."she demands in her motherly voice,but i t come out more like a teachery one. I roll my eyes. At least like this I can escape from an awkward conversation and maybe have a dreamless nap. "After all I didn't give it to you just to stare at it." By the time she was saying this I grabbed my laptop from the dining table and with April by my side I hurried up to my room. When I entered the room I almost tripped on some boxes. I seriously need to clean this mess! I put the laptop on my bed and started to search for my backpack. I didn't see it anywhere,not behind boxes,not next to my door,not on my desk and neither on my bed. I looked at everywhere twice,just to make sure that I didn't miss it. But nothing. These times I wish I had a dog instead of a cat,he might actually help me to search and not just sit on my laptop and stare at me amused. She must think what an idiot human am I. 

"Were in the hell did I put it?"I asked out aloud. And the last thing that I was expecting wasn't a reply.

"Language,missy!"I heard a deep voice coming from April's direction. I rushed to my laptop and lifted my cat from it. And there he was at the other side of the screen. His dark brown hair was now shorter than last time,but this time he left his hair cover his head. His piercing green eyes were bright and sharp,just like mom's. There were some scars across her face,but his stubble covered most of them. If he would shave and let his hair grow out he might look just like mom. Well almost,their hair colors aren't matching.

"Matthew!"I exclaim maybe I little too loud.

"Hello to you too."He salutes me and I salute back with a huge grin on my face."How is the new place?"he asks.

"Meh."I shrug.

"Just 'meh'?"he asks again."No animals,no fun club places,no beach,no women for your taste?"I blush by the women part. Of course Dani was the first thing in my mind. I try to hide my red cheeks with my hair,but my hair can't hide everything. Not even Madison who is right beside me. She is grinning like a child who knows a secret that no one else does. Well no one lese knows about my crush,so it is true. 

"There is!"she says."Our little beast is crushing~"Matthew started to laugh and was scolded by his fellow commander. I punch Madison on the shoulder and stroking April's fur in embarrassment.

"How is she?"he asks excited. Madison leans closer and starts to talk about Dani. Under other circumstances I would like to hear more about her,but right now I feel too humiliated so I stand up,gab my coat,put on my boots and ride away with my skateboard not knowing where I'm going. After a five second I get a text from Madison:"Be home before dark"

I'll be home sooner than dad,so there's no need to worry.


Hey guys!

Here's a chapter that I'm not really proud of,because 1)nothing happens 2)I feel like a repeat myself a lot and 3)I just want something to happen already!!

Yeah,I know I shouldn't be the one to whine,because I'm the writer,but I'm also curious what will happen with Riley and Dani,because I have no fricking idea!

Anyway. Thank you for reading this garbage chapter!

You are stunning as ever and keep it cool.

Until next time see ya! :3

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