"Truth or Dare?"

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After Alice's sudden leaving, me and the other two girls went up to my room. Shannon has been begging to see my room and how could I say no that puppy face of hers? Simply. Just look in her eyes and say n-....nnn-.....okay that's impossible. Told ya! April was in Shannon arms. That cat seems to like everyone except Dani. She's playing against me. She clearly doesn't want me to get a girl- I mean friend!! Yeah suuuure! I shook my head and instead I paid attention to the two girls. Shannon placed April down to my bed and started to look around my room. Currently she was looking at my book collections on my bookshelf. She seemed impressed,but confused at the same time. I guess it was because that there were a lot of books in other languages. Especially Hungarian. Why? Because after mom's death I spent like 5 years there. That was the longest I've spent in one country. Of course we were still moving from one place to another in the country. But I learned the language which was pretty hard. But there was a girl who helped me a lot. We were really good friends. Hell,we were best friends. She was always there for me. I would often visit her. But after I had to leave the country I got a call from her mom...she passed away. She had lung cancer. No she didn't smoke,but her father did, a lot actually. In the ends not him,but his daughter had to pay for it. Maybe that's why I dislike smokers.

As I was deep in my thought I didn't notice that Dani found my little wooden box. Shit! I quickly stood up and grabbed the box from her.
"What the-?"
"I'm sorry. That's private."I said and put the box on my desk's drawer. Dani and Shannon looked at me weirdly.

"I'm sorry."Dani said. I smiled at her reassuring that it was okay. As long as she doesn't look in it everything is okay. 

"Umm,how about we watch a movie?"I asked them. Shannon didn't seem excited about it nor did Dani. I can't blame them,I don't want to watch a movie neither. "Then maybe next time?"I added.

"Sure,but I'm choosing the movie."Shannon said smirking. She plotting something against us.

"Okay."Dani replied shortly. Shannon then suddenly jumped in her place, with a grinning face. I looked at questioningly and she looked at me with an evil smirk, much similar to Max's....and that smirk means trouble...for me at least...and for Grace...aaand for a bunch of people as well. Man, I can't believe how much I miss that dork and her wifey. 

"I have an idea!"Shannon exclaimed happily practically bouncing.

"We noticed."Dani said giggling. Cute

"Care to share?"I asked with my own little smile on my lips,tho mine was a tad bit sadder. Shannon seemed to notice it, because her eyes lingered on me for a second longer. Or maybe shes' checking you out. Have anyone ever told you that you are an idiot? You know you just called yourself an idiot. I hate arguing with y- myself. But you have to admit, it's hilarious. Yeah, and if someone would find out about this, I would be put in an asylum. Not commenting that one. 

"We are going to play Truth or Dare!" Are you serious?! Both I and Dani gave her a look. Mine was the:are you crazy?. And Dani's was the:please tell me you are joking(I'm scared). Before we could protest Shannon was already silencing us with her finger.
"Na-ah. We are going to play! We barely know each other." She has a point there. "And I wanna know more about you." She looked at me then at Dani. "Everything will stay in this room. You know like in Vegas. What happens in Vegas,stays in Vegas."Shannon added as she saw fear on Dani's face. She seemed to relax to that,but that didn't stop her to doubt in us. 

"How can I know you are telling me the truth and not leak out anything? What if you will just tell everyone something about me and use that against me?" Ouch! That hurt! I looked at her surprised. Shannon on the other hand looked a little embarrassed.

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