hearts on sleeves

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A/N: Hello to you who decided to open this book! Before we jump right into it however, let me remind you that this is not a novel or a fanfiction or a one-shot of any sort, but every page does hold stories—stories ranging from things that hit me hardest, my thoughts and emotions, to even trivial matters that are often missed as a result of our fast paced lifestyles—all fitted nicely into various forms of simple quotes, proses and poesy.

This book will be where I set my raw, naked soul to paper. Everyone has their own ways of coping, venting or letting out and writing is one of mine. I call this book a 'feels heap' because it's just like a junk heap, only full of emotions instead. That's how this term was born.

Before I end this short note off, let me also remind you that I'm really glad you're here, and I do hope you enjoy your stay.

Now without further ado, you may carry on flippin' (that is, if you have chosen to stop by this page). Happy reading! :)

** All works written in this book are strictly self-produced. **


Hearts on SleevesWhere stories live. Discover now