- how to die nobly -

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These ponies promise a luckless journey

with their weathered manes and buckling legs.

Still you feed them nothing but flakes of blizzard

and in your disgruntled huff, I discern the word

'useless', but they are no more useless than the man

who rides on their white backs to the depot of death.

Kill the weak, I propose, so our dogs may feed

for I am unsure how much longer they can carry.

You speak to me of cruelty. Paragon of virtue, you

remind us all of feelings, your feelings defied

for the sake of a few days' march

because slaughter is only kind if the blade is unseen.

Do not mistake our empty stomach for sacrifice

just as you mistake crimson for bravery

or the bleak beyond for glory.

Baggage anchors into pack ice, glazed eyes

boring into our sunken hearts as we mourn

a brother fallen.

The merciless gale flays my old wound

open; from within a perennial snowdrop blooms.

I know what it asks of me – it drinks the blood

that I freely and so generously give. I lay it

over your heads, its lucent bulb a guardian of dreams,

and leave for an indefinitely long


Hearts on SleevesNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ