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When Brad came into the bedroom, Tessa pretended to be asleep.  She thought about the strained atmosphere over dinner.  Brad had tried to chat with her but she had given him monosyllabic answers.  She was still upset with him for going to lunch with Darya.  It must have been a very enjoyable lunch.  Tessa knew when she left at five, he had still not returned from his lunch.  She had been seething in her office.  Livid and unable to work, she'd hastily left the office.    

 Her bedside lamp was off.  She was facing her side off the bed, her one arm under the duvet, the other casually under her pillow.  She made sure to breathe slowly, evenly and to keep her eye lids relaxed.  When the bed sank as Brad slipped in next to her, she let out a soft breath, continuing her pretence.  Brad leaned over.  He smelt deliciously fresh of soap and his signature cologne.  The mat of fine curly hairs on his chest caressed her shoulder.  She was unaware of her erratic breathing.  His fingers brushed the loose strands of hair away from her cheek.  Brad kissed her on the cheek and her neck lingeringly, then he turned and his hand stretched out and switched off his light.  He lowered his head onto his pillow with his back to Tessa.

As soon as she sensed the darkness, Tessa opened her eyes.  She blinked, trying to accustom her eyes to the night.  She wanted to shift her leg away that was too close to Brad's body, but if she moved, he would know she was awake.  She cursed softly.  He was too close to her.  Tessa watched the clock ticking.  It was a few minutes past midnight now.  She'd come to bed two hours ago.  Brad had come to bed an hour ago. 

It was difficult to restrain herself when she longed to reach out and curl her arm around his waist.  The scent of his body called out to her.  She wanted him.  She could taste his lips on hers,  feel his fiery kisses on her wanton flesh.  She ached for Brad to make love to her.  The fever in her blood raged like a consuming fire.  Even as she shut her eyes tightly, she could see the defined contours of his body, his muscular chest, those sensuous hypnotic eyes.  Desire flooded through her body like spasms down her spine.  She quivered with debilitating need.   Only this man lying next to her, her husband, was ever able to arouse her to the point where she completely lost control in his arms.  Hah, she was not even in his arms right now, just the heat of his naked body next to her was stimulating her.    No other man had ever wielded such magnetic power over her before.  She should know, she'd been with more than a few.  She craved Brad's loving now with an aching need.  Her fingers clenched tightly under the sheets, begging to reach out to him.  Her lungs felt constricted. 

Breathe in, breathe out. Breathe in, breathe out.

Damn it why can't she touch him?  He was hers, her husband.   It hurt so much to breathe, she must be hyperventilating.

'Say it.'

Tessa's eyes flew open.  Did Brad just speak?  She knew she had not imagined it, those compelling two words bellowed repeatedly in her ears.  Slowly, Tessa turned around and faced Brad.  He was wide awake with his eyes trained on her.

'You're not asleep?'

'As you are not for the past two hours, now say it,' he demanded.  She did not pretend not to know what his instruction was about.  She gazed at his handsome face, her eyes now fully accustomed to the darkness.

'I... I.  She swallowed convulsively.   Moisture filled her eyes.  Brad watched as she feebly stammered.  He refused to meet her half way, refused to make things easy for her.  He waited patiently whilst she did battle with her pride.  His one arm rested comfortably on his hip, the other between them, not touching her.   

'I ... I want you.'

Her eyes, like polished emerald stones meshed with his dark hazel ones.  Brad's head drew closer.  His fingers slid into her hair.  His mouth captured hers in a gentle kiss, which she returned with impatience.   She swallowed a sob.  Her hands curled around him, clinging to him.  Her lids were lowered hiding the moisture there, but a tear slid down her cheek.  Brad pressed his lips to it, kissing the tear away.  Her mouth moved and captured his lips, tasting the saltiness of the tear.  She inhaled deeply, whilst they indulged in the tender kiss.  Her neck strained, his name was an urgent whisper on her lips, welcoming his erotic caressing.    She pulled his head closer, inhaling the musky scent of his skin. 

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