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‘Daniel what are you doing?’  Tessa stood with her hands on her hips.

‘Brushing my teeth mum,’ he seemed to have inherited Lyndon’s puppy dog expression.

‘Again?  You brushed your teeth an hour ago.’ 

‘Brushing my teeth again mum,’ he cocked his head pleadingly.  A trail of strawberry toothpaste ran from his cheek towards his forehead.  He was squeezing the dear life out of the tube of toothpaste.

‘Would you like some strawberries to eat angel?  Although you should be going to bed,’ Tessa lifted Daniel into her arms.  She rinsed his brush and washed his face.

‘Can I eat some toothpaste mum?  I don’t want strawberries.’

‘No Daniel.  I have told you before, you do not eat toothpaste.  It is only meant to clean your teeth, and just once, not every hour.’

‘Do I have to go to bed mum?’

‘Yes sweetheart.  Let’s say goodnight to Lyndon and daddy.’  Tessa walked into Lyndon’s room.  He was listening intently to a story his daddy was reading him.

‘I don’t want to sleep mum,’ Daniel pleaded.  ‘Can I watch TV?’

Brad stopped reading when Tessa walked in with Daniel.  Lyndon scowled at the interruption.

Hey tiger, come and lie next to Lyndon and listen to the story,’ Brad tapped the bed.    ‘It’s getting very interesting.  Teeger is building an aeroplane.  He wants to tour the world in it.’

‘I don’t want to listen to a story,’ Daniel turned his back to his father and looked over his mummy’s shoulder at the doorway. 

‘What would you like to do Daniel?’  Brad question.

‘Wanna watch my program daddy,’ Daniel pouted without turning around.

‘You’ve been glued to the television for more than three hours,’ Brad informed Daniel.

‘I wanna watch TV mum,’ Daniel cupped his mummy’s face with his two little palms.

‘You need to be in bed Daniel.  You’ve already watched enough television.’

‘Don’t want a story,’ he sulked.

‘Then say goodnight to daddy and your brother.’

‘Night daddy, night Lyndon’ Daniel puckered his mouth for a kiss.

Brad laughed at Daniel’s cute face awaiting a kiss.  ‘Come here.’

Tessa walked to the bed and lowered Daniel so he could kiss his daddy and Lyndon.

‘Night son,’ Brad kissed his cheek.

‘Good night Daniel,’ Lyndon hugged his brother.

‘Kiss me too,’ Daniel demanded.

Lyndon laughed.  He reached up and kissed Daniel on the cheek.  ‘Why don’t you like story books?’ Lyndon questioned his brother.  They are so interesting.’

Daniel shrugged his shoulders arrogantly and gave his brother a lop-sided grin.  Tessa and Brad exchanged a meaningful look.  They would have to devise a means to get Daniel interested in books.  He preferred toys and television to books.  Neither parent was pleased about that.

‘Did Lyndon talk to you about a barbecue with his friends?’ Tessa asked Brad when he entered their bedroom.  She was towelling her hair.

‘No,’ Brad raised his eyebrows questioningly.  He had just finished showering.

THE Media Baron's Heiress (BOOK 2)Where stories live. Discover now