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'Yak grandpa,' Lyndon's facial muscles creased distastefully. 'Don't ever drink potato juice. It is the awfulest juice ever. I was thirsty, but I could not drink it.'

'Potato juice,' Charlotte whispered to Tessa.

'Beer,' Tessa smiled.

'You drank beer?' Joseph exclaimed.

'I drank beer!' Lyndon laughed unbelievably, and Tessa thought it was the most delightful sound she had heard in the last agonizing twelve hours.

'You won't need to have it ever again my angel,' Tessa cradled Lyndon adoringly against her chest.

Lyndon relished the last spoon of chocolate cake. He licked his lips. 'Thank you momma, you know cereal is awfulest too,' He thought whilst he was on a roll, his momma just may consent to him not eating cereal ever again.

'Really now,' Tessa grinned, biting on her lower lip. 'Would you like another slice of cake?' Perhaps tomorrow he may skip his cereal, but she will refrain from making a declaration just yet.

'Yes please,' he clapped his hands delightfully.

'Darling, I'm going to take a shower,' Brad pressed his palm gently on Tessa's shoulder.

'I thought we'd have something to eat,' Tessa looked up at Brad. She had not eaten since breakfast the previous day. She knew her husband had not eaten since then either.

'I'd love a bite,' Brad smiled, 'just let me have a quick shower.'

'I'm coming with you my daddy,' Lyndon placed his half eaten cake on the settee.

'Daddy is just going to shower sweetheart. He will come down just now.'

'My daddy take me with you,' Lyndon cried hysterically.

Brad instantly lifted Lyndon into his arms. His eyes sought his wife's. She shut her eyes painfully. The trauma she had hoped would elude Lyndon was beginning to manifest. Brad exhaled painfully. He watched the tears slide down his wife's cheeks.

'Would you like to shower with daddy?' Brad asked his son.

'Yes,' Lyndon climbed more securely into Brad's embrace and tilted his head on his daddy's shoulder.

'Tessa walk with me,' Brad spoke over his shoulder to his wife.

'Excuse me please,' Tessa braved a smile for her parents, Aunt Bertha and Keri and Bentley.

'Tessa don't come down again,' her mother spoke, comprehending that Lyndon needed their attention. 'I will ask Lauretta to send a dinner tray up for you and Brad.'

Tessa turned around. 'Are you sure mummy? I don't want to leave you all.'

'We're going to get some rest,' Charlotte nodded. 'Your dad can't keep his eyes opened for much longer.'

Tessa looked at Keri and Bentley.

'I believe your butler has kindly prepared a room for me,' Keri smiled. 'I shall turn in too.'

'I shall do the same,' Bentley stood up.

'Good night then,' Tessa cast a cursory glance at everybody.

Good night grandpa. Good night everybody,' Lyndon coiled his head from his daddy's shoulder.

Tessa collected a change of clothing from Lyndon's bedroom. Brad was undressing Lyndon when she walked into her husband's bathroom.

'I'm sorry my clothes are dirty momma.'

'Don't worry about it my angel,' Tessa discarded every last item into the bin as Brad handed it to her. She lifted Lyndon into her arms as Brad undressed, keeping only his boxers on for propriety's sake. Brad tested the water and reached out for Lyndon. Tessa leaned against the counter watching her son and her husband frolicking in the water. It was the most beautiful picture in the world.

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