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'Do you prefer to stay with daddy, or would you like me to take you to school today son?' Brad offered Lyndon the choice.

'Take me to school my daddy. I have to tell Ellie about my baby brother.'

'Okay son, if you're done with breakfast, kiss mummy so we can go.'

'Bye momma. I love you.'

'Where you going?' Tessa was cradling the sleeping Daniel against her bosom.

'To school momma. I have to tell Ellie about Daniel.'

'I see,' Tessa smiled. Give me a kiss,' she leaned towards Lyndon.

'Can I kiss my brother too?'

'Yes off course angel.'

'Let me help you,' Brad gently lifted Daniel into his arms and lowered him towards his brother.

'Bye my brother,' Lyndon kissed Daniel's forehead. 'He smells like a girl momma,' Lyndon pulled his face.

'You smell exactly the same,' Tessa smiled.

'I smell like my daddy,' he rebutted.

Tessa rolled her eyes. 'Have a nice day angel.'

'Let's go son. Darling, after I drop Lyndon off, I'm meeting with Bentley downstairs at the coffee shop. Will you be okay for an hour?'

'Yes,' Tessa reached out to Brad and kissed his cheek. 'I need a nap.'

When Bentley returned to the office, Keri could not tell a thing from his face. She had to wait another agonizing ten minutes, whilst the clerk finished filing executive correspondence, before she could interrogate Bentley.

'Is Mrs. Blakely fine?' she whispered when they were finally alone.

'Yes,' Bentley smiled. He was more interested in taking Keri into his arms and kissing her.

'Bentley,' she pushed his face away. 'Why is Mrs. Blakely in hospital?

'The Blakely's have just given birth to their second baby boy,' Bentley smiled.

'What! OMG. I don't believe it. She went into early labour?' Keri covered her cheeks with her palms.

'Mr. Blakely informed me that he rushed her to the hospital last night and the baby was born less than an hour later. Apparently mother and baby are doing very well. I'm to issue a press release to that effect,' Bentley announced.

Brad had not seen the need for anybody to know what he and his wife had suffered during the agonizing four hours that she had undergone restorative surgery.

'Oh, I wish I could see her, and I would love to see baby as well.'

'Daniel,' Bentley smiled.

'I beg your pardon?'

'The newest addition's name is Daniel Blakely.'

'Aww, he must be so cute.'

'Our baby will be cute too.'

'What!' the dreamy look disappeared from Keri's face.

'If we make a baby,' Bentley corrected, his lips pressed soft kisses against Keri's slender neck.

'I should get back to work,' Keri blushed.

'I have some disappointing news,' Bentley added.

'What's that?'

'Apparently Mr. Blakely wants to work from home for the next month. I am to inform you that Mrs. Blakely will be on leave indefinitely.'

'So I don't have a job?' Keri swallowed nervously.

THE Media Baron's Heiress (BOOK 2)Where stories live. Discover now