Chapter 21 - True Nightmare

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Katherine's POV

Since two hours i am just trying to concentrate on my work , trying to remove the stupid thoughts running in my head , trying to erase Ashton's pained expression from my mind , trying to forget about the two angry men sitting next door, trying to forget about Caleb's changed behavior..but i am failing miserably.

I ran a hand in my hair in a frustrated way tired of worrying...

Tired of thinking...

Suddenly, the door bursted open, making me snap my head in its direction.
Alex went first , Ashton following behind him ,both of them holding the same expression.

Ashton's eyes met mine and we kept on staring for i don't know how long , until i broke my gaze looking at my laptop trying to look busy , trying to avoid looking at those eyes.

"Cancel all the meetings and intreviews for today." Alex said with the same serious tone coming near me .

I nodded my head still shocked at how different Alex look like this.

"You can leave now , because we wont be coming back today." He added and i just mumbled an "okay".

Then they both went out leaving me lost , trying to gather all my thoughts together.

I gathered my stuffs and went out of the building.

The moment i stepped out , i let all the feelings come again, i felt like there something suffocating me.

I looked in the sky trying to take a deep breath.

All this is just making me go back to old memories, to things i don't want to remember..

I feel so weak, so weak that i am not able to do anything , i am not able to forget the past ,i am not able to move on , i am not even able to get your revenge Chase.

I am so weak Chase , i am so weak without you..

Bringing a trembling hand up, i placed it over my mouth as i choked back my tears.

Starting the engine of the car , one person was on my mind , one place i should go to.

The only place where i feel safe..

Twenty minutes later i found myself standing in front of his door, I hesitantly knocked still not so brave to face him.

The door opened.

"K-Katherine" Caleb's voice was mixed with shock and his eyes widened at the sight of me as if he wasn't expecting i may come knocking on his door.

I don't why or how , i just threw myself in his embrace hugging him tightly letting the tears fall freely.

He tensed first surprised by my sudden movement , but it didn't take him long to hug me back.

It's been a week since i felt this safe..

"Katherine what's wrong ?" He said worried running his hand in my hair.

I looked at him with teary eyes and just shook my head unable to say , unable to explain, i don't know how to explain what i am feeling, but i know that he will understand just by looking at my eyes.

All About Revenge (#1) [NOT EDITED]Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat