Chapter 35 - The Actual Truth

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Katherine's POV

I groaned from the tapping sun light against my skin , i wanted to open my eyes but they felt so heavy and my head is throbbing with pain , my whole body feel sore and numb , how long i've been sleeping , what happened , i don't seem to remember anything.

I squeezed my mind to remember what happened , i remember going to the club , yeah i went with Cara and Alex , i was drinking but what happened next ?

Ashton's image flashed in my mind, he was there ?

Wait i remember seeing him there , is it a dream or he was really there !

He was there , he sat beside me but then i went out and he followed me , wait we even kissed !

At the memory , my eyes snapped open but i regret it directly once the bright sunlight hit my eyes , i closed them and then tried to open them slowly , my breath hitched in my throat when i noticed that i am not in my room , but this room wasn't that strange to my eyes.

I slowly turned my head to the side afraid of what i may see, and as i though ,his sleeping figure was laying beside me , i closed my eyes and blinked , maybe this is some sort of a nightmare , because this can't happen , my mind refuse it to happen.

Did we ..? Oh my god , please tell me we didn't.

My eyes wandered from Ashton's sleeping face to the ground and to answer my previous question , i saw my dress laying on the floor and his clothes too were thrown on the ground.

What have i done ?

No, No this can't be happening !

The last thing i remember is the kiss and everything after is blurry, my eyes went back to Ashton and seeing his arm around me i directly flinched away disgusted by his touch or more like disgusted by my actions.

His eyes snapped open , and met mine , his skin became greyed, his mouth hung with lips slightly parted and his eyes were as wide as they could stretch, he looked shocked as much as i did, he jumped from his sleeping position and seated himself at the bed's edge.

He looked at me again , his brows furrowed maybe trying to remember too.

"Did we..?" I didn't know how to finish the sentence , i was ashamed to even say it.

"I don't know." He said running his hand in his messy hair , his voice rough from sleeping, "I don't remember." He shook his head his eyebrows still furrowed.

I don't remember and apparently he doesn't too , but we both know the answer , it is obvious..

I slept with Ashton , i slept with him , tears started forming in my eyes and a pang of guilt hit my chest hard that it knocked off the oxygen left in my lungs. I made a promise that i won't even touch a guy after Chase's death and look at me , i didn't just sleep with anyone , i slept with Ashton ,with the one who killed him.

I betrayed Chase , i know he is dead but i feel that i cheated on him. At this realization i couldn't hold my tears anymore and i let them flow down my cheeks as i held the blanket tightly around my naked body.

"Katherine , why you are crying ? Did i hurt you ?" Ashton said once he noticed my tears his voice lacing with concern ,"I really don't remember anything , i was drunk , i don't know what i've done." He said inching closer toward me , his hand went toward my cheek but before he can touch my skin , i pushed his hand away.

"Don't touch me , don't you dare touch me." I snapped pointing my finger toward him , tears blurring my vision.

"Katherine , i don't know how this happened ,i really don't , did i hurt you ?" He asked his voice so soft , and i can see guilt in his eyes.

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