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I was sitting under a tree with my eyes closed, in a state similar to meditation, sensing vibrations around me.

It was around six or seven o'clock in the afternoon.

Many people were heading home from work or going home from a relaxing stroll in the park I lived in.

A rock was thrown at me, hitting me in the eye.

My eyes shot open, a bit surprised at the sudden pain. I felt the color drain from my face as I realized who threw the rock.

It was one of the 'gang' members in the area, who claimed I owed him money. Something I definitely couldn't give him.

It was dark out, and the perfect time for him to show up because no one would help me.

It was odd because I didn't know his name, from the lips I read, they called him T.

He grabbed my hood and threw me against a different tree.

I felt a rib or two crack and gave a cry of pain that fell muted on my deaf ears.

His friends shoved a cloth in my mouth and started to beat me; kicking, punching slapping me.

Someone eventually brought out a switchblade knife and started slicing underneath my shirt, where no one would see.

They always made sure that any injuries I sustained wouldn't be in plain sight.
After what felt like hours, I feigned unconsciousness. I could take no more.

After a few minutes, the impacts stopped and I squinted an eye open to see them run off into the night.

When I could no longer see them I crawled back underneath my original tree and fell asleep.
I felt something nudge me awake.

My eyes squinted open as I sucked in a pained breath, momentarily blinded by the light.

I saw a small boy. He couldn't be any older than six.

"Are you okay miss?" I read.

I nodded.

I observed the sky and it looked like it was around eight in the morning.

He tapped my shoulder looking at me confused, "Why are you ignoring me?"

I read, "I can not hear, I am deaf," I told him slowly, pointing to my ear. I was sure to sound out the words carefully.

His face looked confused.

A woman approached from behind and tapped his shoulder.

He turned and I read her lips, "Come on Allen, it's time to go,".

She looked at me with sympathy, I guessed she heard me.

It wasn't hard to figure out that I was homeless considering my dirty clothes.

She dug through her pocket and gave me her spare change before she left with her son.

My body ached and you could see hints of the blood that stained my clothes; consisting of a dark gray shirt and ripped jeans.

I sighed and leaned back against the tree and looked up at Stark tower in the distance as I decided to doze off again.

The Deaf Wolf (Avengers Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now