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Steve walked in the room but his two friends lingered in the hall.

Steve picked me up again bridal style and walked back towards the door.

Pain flared as he picked me up and each step he took was agony on my ribs.

He made his way down a hallway, taking a few turns here and there.

We eventually made our way into an infirmary. Steve asked Bruce, "Where do you want her?"

Bruce thought for a moment before deciding, "I want to give her an X-ray, she seems to have internal damage,".

Steve started to follow Bruce into a room, setting me down on a metal table before he said, "Nico can't be on you when we take the X-ray,".

Nico poked his head out and hissed at Steve, but unwrapped himself and slithered out of my shirt.

Steve picked him up and left the room.

The metal table moved into a large cylinder and started to vibrate.

I was a little scared of it, after a while it stopped vibrating and the table slid back out.

Steve and Bucky walked back into the room, Steve was still holding Nico so Bucky picked me up and walked into a private room. There was a bed there so Bucky put me there.

Bruce was there and he put a few X-rays on a light board on the wall and Steve turned off the light, Bruce turned on the board.

His hand ran through his hair, it seemed to be a nervous gesture.

None of them were facing me, so I had no idea what they were saying.

Steve turned around and say in a chair beside me, "What happened? You have several broken ribs and an incorrectly healed wrist, shoulder, and ankle,".

I hesitated but said, "I-It was nothing, just an accident,".

I didn't want to seem so weak, I didn't want to tell him the truth behind my injuries.

Steve gave a disapproving glare, he knew I was lying, "Sure doesn't look like nothing. Tell me the truth,".

I sighed and my shoulders drooped, "I'm homeless Steve, perfect target for muggers and gang members. You don't go without a few bumps and bruises out there,".

He clenched his jaw, but I think he could tell that it was a difficult topic for me, so he left it alone for the time being.

I noticed movement from the corner of my eye and focused on Bruce who was now approaching me with what looked like a few braces.

He smiled apologetically and said, "I'm going to have to re-break your ankle, shoulder, and wrist; they didn't heal correctly and they need to be put in braces. As well as your ribs,".

I sighed but nodded and then he set to work.

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