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When I finally came to, I was chained to a wall.

And I was still naked... Great... Well now this is awkward.

I had chains on my ankles, wrists, and neck; and none of them were even a little loose. The one around my neck was practically choking me.

The door opened, letting bright light into the room, I recoiled and squinted.

A man with a white apron entered wheeling in a cart, the top covered with a cloth.

I felt my heart-rate pick up, but I forced my facial expression to remain stoic.

He leaned down over me and I growled as he grabbed my chin, squishing my cheeks as he forced my eyes to meet his.

He let go when I growled and slapped me, "Tell me everything you know about the Avengers," he ordered.

I growled louder and spat in his face, "Go to hell."

He wiped it off his face and looked at his hand before chuckling.

He turned and removed the cloth, picking up a very curved knife. It stuck out in all directions and I can only describe it as an orcish dagger from Skyrim.

He turned it, pretending to look at it, "I was hoping you'd say that," he said, a smile on his face.

He admired the blade for a few more moments before he stabbed it deep into my thigh.

I couldn't hold back the agonized scream of pain as he twisted it before jerking it out and doing the same to my other thigh.

After what felt like hours of this, I found out that he had many, many knives, daggers, a hammer, knuckle dusters, a saw, and a drill.

I refused to crack, I couldn't. I'd failed them once and I would not do it again.

I knew that they wanted me alive because when he was finished he stitched up each and every wound he had inflicted (after he poured salt or lemon juice on them). He didn't wash them though.

Someone had eventually come in and put a bra and underwear on me, I was thankful for at least one piece of dignity.
I started to think that my hearing aid's tracking device didn't work.

Well, that was until three days later, when a very loud explosion sounded from above.

I heard the panicked yells from the agents and guards around my prison.

My tormentor slammed open the door. He unhooked my chained from the wall, unlocking the ones around my wrists and ankles. He dragged me by the one around my neck until we came to a door he brought out his gun and wrapped an arm around my neck.

I was too weak to fight back, he opened the door and he started to yell.

My ears were ringing too much for me to even try to understand what he was saying.

I saw everyone though, the Avengers.

Sam landed by Steve, Bucky was standing beside Steve with his gun aimed directly at the man using me as a shield.

Natasha was killing a small group of agents with Clint farther away shooting agents around.

Tony landed beside Steve when he saw my condition, Pietro and Wanda were in a state of shock standing off by themselves, speed-walking to Steve.

Natasha and Clint did the same when they started paying attention to his yelling.

Bruce was in hulk form roaring in anger at the man from beside the rest of the group.

Thor landed from the sky in a kneeling position and had his hammer ready beside him.

Loki was no where in sight, but I could smell him nearby.

I started gasping for air as Steve took a step forward and the man tightened his grip.

I start to claw at his arm uselessly.

He cocked the gun and everyone took a step back.

Pietro muttered something to Steve who shook his head and muttered something back.

Steve's face suddenly formed a smirk as he said something as the man suddenly collapsed, taking me with him.

I was caught before I hit the ground.

My eyelids started to feel heavy as I saw Loki teleport both of us; I couldn't figure out where before I lost consciousness.

The Deaf Wolf (Avengers Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now