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Weeks repeated like this.

Steve would come and sit with me for a bit every morning and then he would leave.

At around eight or eight thirty, he would return with food and a bit of money.

I would refuse to take the money, but he always made me take it.

I didn't want to take the money because it would only be stolen from me by T, who would beat me for not having enough.

Steve and I had become good friends.

At the moment, we were sitting beneath my tree, eating sandwiches.

A few of my ribs were still broken from T, if Steve noticed my ragged breaths, he didn't mention it.

I guess his phone started to ring because he dug it out of his pocket.

"Hello?" He asked before listening to whoever was on the other end, he turned away from me to continue the conversation.

He hung up the phone and looked at me, "I've gotta go Ashlyn, work is calling," he sheepishly held up his phone before standing up.

He handed me a few more sandwiches and started heading off to wherever he worked, taking the little ice chest with him.

I sipped on my Dr. Pepper and looked around the park, it wasn't as crowded as usual.

I leaned back and looked up at the leaves of the tree.

My pet ball python, Nico, was curled around a limb and tasting the air quietly, he was around four foot long.

Someone dumped him in the park before I had found him.

During the winter, he would stay in my shirt for warmth and we'd sneak into a few stores so we didn't freeze.

Most of the money that was given to me went to him. It was a miracle he hadn't gotten sick.

Steve had seen him once and freaked out a little bit before I told him that it was my pet.
After a few hours of watching Nico, it was getting dark so I decided to sleep.
When I woke up the next day, it was was around seven to eightish.

Nico was making his way down the tree to lay with me.

When he finally made his way on my lap, I could see Steve walking towards me.

He had a few people with him, I faintly wondered who they were.

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