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After she fell asleep, I didn't let go.

She remained curled into my side and the door creaked open, revealing Steve.

He looked guilty when he saw Ashlyn, "She fell asleep?"

I shook my head, "No, she cried herself to sleep Steve. I'm sure there's a fine line between the two," I informed him.

Steve's face changed into an even guiltier expression if that was even possible, "I'm sorry," he said looking at his shoes.

I tilted my head back against the wall, "I'm not the one you should be sayin that to babe,".

A light blush made its way up Steve's neck as he sat in the chair beside my bed.

"When can I leave the infirmary anyway?"

Steve looked at me, "When Tony and Bruce remake your arm," he paused, "Again."

I scoffed, "Yeah again,".

Ashlyn shifted closer to me, making Steve and I both glance at her.

"I think she's kinda cute when she sleeps," Steve admitted a bit sheepishly.

I raised an eyebrow, "So then what was with the bitch fit outside the door?"

He started sulking and looked at the floor again, "I was upset and I took it out on her, I didn't mean to," he confessed.

I looked at him, "When she wakes up you better apologize or I'm gonna kick your ass when Bruce lets me get up," I promised.

He still wouldn't look at me.

"Steve," with that, he glanced up, "Come 'ere."

He got up from the chair and mimicked Ashlyn, curling into my side.

A few moments later, his breaths evened out too, he was asleep as well.

JARVIS took the liberty to dim the lights.

I leaned my head back and decided to take a nap myself.
I felt a ribbon of light shine on my face as someone opened the door.

I glared at Tony, who was trying hard not to laugh as he took pictures with his phone.

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