Chapter Eleven: Midnight Snack

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            “And so folks, it looks like the October blizzard shall be passing in a few days. But until then, we all suggest you stay indoors and try to keep from venturing out of your home. We don’t want any accidents!” The low buzz of the weatherman reached my ears from across the room. I sniffled slightly, grabbing for a Kleenex. “We also hope everyone has a safe Halloween this weekend! Remember to carry a flashlight at all times!”

            I snorted and grabbed the remote, quickly changing the channel to cartoons. Even though I was going to be seventeen in a few months, I still enjoyed a little bit of Tom & Jerry. A gray tomcat flashed across the giant, flat screen TV and I smiled. It was one of my favorite episodes.

            “How are you feeling?” Michelle swooped in to the living room, carrying yet another bowl of hot soup. “Has your fever gone down?”

            Michelle had been all up in my grill since last night, when I’d finally arrived Ricky’s arms. I’d stupidly fallen asleep in the car and he had to carry me back inside. I woke up in my bed, covered in my chilled sweat. Henry had called the doctor and after a quick check-up, I’d been diagnosed with a slight case of pneumonia. Michelle had stayed home from work to play nurse for me. I wasn’t able to go back to school for the rest of the week. I felt like a little kid.

            “It’s still at 100,” I said. “But I know it will break soon.”

            Michelle smiled and proceeded to spoon-feed me the soup. She had strict rules when it came to being sick. You were not allowed up in your own room, as you might “contaminate it” and get sick again. I was only allowed to stay in the living room, where I slept, ate, watching TV, and blogged from. I was waited on hand and foot by Luna and many other servants. The more fuss I made, the more attention I got. I just had to deal with it. Since I was an open target in the living room, I usually woke up from my naps with Sharpie mustaches on my face and “YOU SUCK” written across my forehead. All of that was courtesy to Charlie, who died of laughter every time I tried to furiously rub it off in the kitchen. Ricky delivered my schoolwork and I got many get-well texts from Hailey and Maggie. Henry played checkers with me whenever he could and my Tumblr followers wished me health, as well.

            All was well, except I still hadn’t gotten a single text from Nathan. I always tried to call him, but my thumb couldn’t seem to press the Call button.

            Ricky had stayed out of my way for the most part, dashing off for his room after dropping my books onto my lap each day. I didn’t blame him. I’d been a blubbering, sick mess on Tuesday.

            It was about 11:30 pm. My fever had me constantly drowsy, so I dozed on the couch, Tom & Jerry playing as white music in the background. Michelle had gone up to bed and only the rain thumping on the windows gave me comfort. I had cried all my tears out, so I was now forced to lay and think about Nathan’s words. I had made a huge mistake denying him. But, it was too late now.

            The light sound of footsteps came from the stairs and I froze, scared of what it could be. With Halloween getting closer and closer, images of ghosts and monsters flashed through my mind. I heard the thing trudge over to the kitchen and the refrigerator opened. Monsters didn’t eat, did they?

            I had no energy to lift myself up and check who it was. I concentrated hard on the sounds of chewing, trying to distinguish whom it was who had come down for a midnight snack. The footsteps came closer and closer to the couch until it sounded like they were right over me. The darkness of the house blinded me. I felt crumbs sprinkle onto my face.

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