Chapter Thirteen: The Hangover

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            “Water. Please. Get me some water.” I begged, feebly reaching out my hand to the metal fridge. It gleamed defiantly.

            “Chill out. I’ll get you some.” Ricky said, opening it up and tossing me an ice-cold bottle. I eagerly opened the cap and chugged the it.

            “Can we please stop cleaning?” I panted. “It’s been two hours.”

            Ricky and I had been on our hands and knees for the past hour, scrubbing at the beer stains and wiping up puke from the floor. We had gone through six Hefty trash bags, which were all filled to the brim with crunched red cups and stale food. The dishwasher was running on high and we had a small pile of bras and underwear forming in the middle of the living room.

            “You think that’s hard? Try doing it with a raging headache.” He grumbled, peeling a piece of pizza off the counter and throwing it into the trash.

            “That’s what you get for getting drunk,” I said, wiping my forehead. “Karma’s a bitch, you know.”

            “What did I do?” He asked.

            I darkly laughed. “Ricky, my room is completely ruined because of your little ‘get-together’. My laptop is missing and I had to get your drunk, naked friend out of my bed!”

            He chuckled. “Good ole’ James.”

            I smiled to myself. I guess Ricky was still unaware of what he’d said last night. I was still contemplating if James was telling the truth or not. I couldn’t see Ricky saying that about me. I touched my neck; it still tingled from James’ touch.

            “Ricky?” I asked timidly. “What’s James like?”

            He stopped wiping the counters and smiled. “He’s been my best friend for years. We’ve been through everything together. He’s a lot like me, but he’s actually got a soft side.”

            He paused to laugh.

            “I feel a bit bad for him, as he just got dumped by some girl. From what I’ve heard, she’s a total bitch,” He scowled. “But he’ll find someone else. He always does…why’d you ask?”

            “Um…” I started. “I was just wondering. He recognized me when I kicked him out of my room, that’s all.”

            Please don’t ask how. Please don’t ask how. Please don’t ask how.

            “How?” Ricky asked, slight alarm in his voice.

            Of course.

            “Uh,” I scratched the back of my head. “Apparently, in your drunken state, you talked about me…a lot.”

            He smacked his head into his hand and cringed. “Are you fucking serious?”

            “I guess so.” I murmured, eyeing him. Maybe he would confess to liking me.

            “I didn’t want anyone to know about you. Goddammit.” He cursed.

            I dropped my cleaning towel on the counter and pursed my lips. Anger bubbled in me like carbonated soda, but I kept it down as best I could. I needed to stay calm for this.

            “Why, Ricky? Why don’t you want people to know about me?” I asked, my voice slow and shaky. “Is it because I’m not high class like the rest of your A-list family?”

            He looked away guiltily. “It’s not like that.”

            “I-I think it is. Why won’t you accept me? The rest of your family seems to have.”

            “I just…I want to…” His last words trailed off and I saw the slightest change in color of his cheeks. Was Ricky...blushing?


            “I want to keep you out of everyone’s eye.” He mumbled almost inaudibly.

            “What’s that supposed to mean?”

            “I don’t want people to start judging you and your…situation,” Ricky said, louder now. “They might seem friendly but when you turn your back, they are vicious. You’re not made to fit in with us. I just don’t want people to start ragging on you, y’know?”

            In it’s own way, it made sense. Ricky didn’t want to see me get hurt. I smiled and tears formed in my eyes. Before I started blubbering, I pulled him into a hug, burying my face in his shoulder. He stiffened and awkwardly put his hands on my back.

            I could smell the alcohol that emitted from him. My hands rested on the back of his neck, where I felt the soft tufts of his hair. His body heat seeped into my clothing and warmed my skin. Ricky laid his head on my shoulder and I heard him inhale deeply.

            “For cleaning all day, you smell really good.” He whispered into my ear, grazing his lips against it. His hot breath tickled my skin and a shiver rolled up my back. I could hear him smile.

            “We’re home!” Michelle’s voice interrupted our hug and I wobbled back, waking from my stupor. My cheeks burned brightly and Ricky watched me.

            I heard Michelle’s shrill voice as she took in the mess of her house. Henry gasped and the thud of bags dropping shook the floors.

            “Ricky! Emma! Come here right now!” Henry’s voice bellowed.

            Ricky snickered. “Fun’s over.”

            I followed like a puppy, ready to take my punishment.

            “What happened?” Michelle wheezed, looking around wide-eyed. “My beautiful home!”

            “Roderick Anthony Stephens,” Henry growled. “What have you done?”

            “Chill, pops!” Ricky said, putting his hands up defensively. “It was just a small party!”

            Henry sighed, annoyed. He then turned to me, his face softening.

            “Emma, did you partake in any of this?”

            I looked to Ricky, whose eyes begged me for help. I glowered at him before turning back to Henry.

            “I…I helped Ricky make the mess,” I muttered. “We’re both at fault.”

            “Both of you: up to your room. Don’t come out until dinner time.” Henry constructed.

            We both retreated up the steps, remorseful. As I as was about to enter my room, Ricky turned to face me.

            “Thanks for that. I owe you.” He grinned. I had the feeling he got into trouble a lot.

            “Yeah. Whatever.” I waved and shut my door.

Roommates with a PlayerOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora