Chapter Twenty Four: All Shapes and Sizes

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I’m back early! Whoop whoop!


“God, I need a shower,” I whispered to myself as I trudged down the hall, tearing my high-heels off on the way. My feet were throbbing.

            I quickly grabbed my pajamas and locked myself in the bathroom and away from the party. Everyone was drunk now, except for Charlie, Henry, and me. Henry had gone off to his study to work, I assume. Charlie had gone to bed after having a meltdown when Aunt Olivia had spilt wine on his game. And me, who’d scooted off when no one was looking to finally get some much needed sleep.

            I peeled off my dress and slapped it on the tiled floor, letting the cool air finally reach my skin. I switched on the bath and indulged in a much need washing.

            I couldn’t stop thinking about the picture of my dad and Henry, which was placed delicately atop the sink. I eyed it from the tub, trying to see through the yellowing image. After all this time, it’d been Henry who had known my dad. I’d had a hunch they were connected in some way.

            I sighed, pushing myself underwater. It was so peaceful under the water, with no noise to disrupt my thinking. I relayed the night’s moments: meeting the extended family, being rudely introduced to Riley, trying to have a decent conversation with Aunt Olivia, Henry’s outburst and confession about my dad and him, and the picture with Ricky. It all meant so much more to me now, now that I knew that I wasn’t in this family because of some pointless will.

            A harsh knocking made me resurface.

            “Who’s in here?” came Riley’s voice.

            Oh crap! How was I supposed to respond? She hated me, didn’t she?

            “It’s…it’s Emma,” I said weakly.

            There was silence.

            “Michelle wants me to sleep in your room tonight. That’s alright, right?” her voice came again, a bit uncertain this time.

            I didn’t think the relatives were staying over, but then again, where else were they supposed to go?

             “Uh, sure,” I said. “I’ll be out in a sec.”

            I quickly finished up, wrapping a towel around me, kicking my dress and heels into the corner of the bathroom, and brushing my teeth. I didn’t even dare look at myself, not wanting to get too worked up before having to talk with Riley. I barged out of the bathroom, determined, and ran straight into Ricky.

            “Whoa, whoa,” he slurred. “Nice towel, Princess. Why don’t you take it off and show me what’s underneath?”

            I glared up at Ricky, looking into his droopy eyes.

            “You’re drunk,” I stated.

            He grinned and leaned to one side, staggered back and smacking into the wall.

            “Yep, definitely drunk,” I sighed. “See you in the morning…sober.”

            He slumped to the ground and crawled off to his bedroom. He’d be hung over for a long time. I doubt I’d even see him tomorrow.

            Remembering my target, I opened my bedroom door and stepped inside.

            Apparently, the maids had set up a small cot on the floor next to my bed. It looked puffy and just as inviting as my own bed. I spotted Riley, who was in the process of pulling her dress over her head. She looked like she was having a lot of trouble.

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