Chapter Sixteen: Think Before You Speak

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            The slow droning of Mr. Landon did little to soothe my nerves that were spazzing out about tonight’s date. I fidgeted in my seat, unable to write any notes down. My mind was stuck on James and what he had planned for the evening.

            I felt something light hit my back. I turned slightly, trying not to draw attention to myself. I saw a crumpled up note next to my foot and an eager Nathan gazing at me from across the room. I scooped the note up and silently opened it.


I’m so happy to see you in class. You never called me about working this out. I really want to know what your feelings are about all of this. In fact, I’m desperate. Meet me after class to talk?

            Love, Nate-o.

            I stuck the note in my backpack and met Nathan’s waiting eyes. I gave one stiff nod and Nathan turned back to his work, a giant grin painted across his face. I smiled myself. Nathan had this happy-go-lucky aura around him that seemed to draw me in. It hurt me to think that I might be puncturing that aura by leading him on.

            Class ended minutes later and I scooted out into the hallway. Nathan was instantly at my side.

            “Haven’t seen you in a while!” He smiled and I did too. “What have you been up to?”

            “Oh, you know. The usual,” I decided to keep it vague, as to not hurt his feelings. “I’ve been reading a lot of your notes. I thought it was quite brave of you to give one to Ricky.”

            “A man’s gotta do what a man’s gotta do.” He stuck his chest out.

            “You’re so weird, Nate.” I laughed.

            We strolled through the bustling hallways to English and I could feel his eyes on me. I didn’t mind. Being with Nathan was effortless. I was able to let my guard down.

            “What are you thinking about?” He asked suddenly.

            “I…” I trailed off, wondering if I should tell him about tonight. “Just about Algebra. I’m about to fail the class.”

            Nathan pondered on that, though it wasn’t much to think about. Everyone was basically bombing that class.

            “Need a tutor? I’m actually really good in math.” He smiled.

            “Actually, yeah. That’d be awesome.” I agreed.


            The walk to English was a bit long, as it was all the way across the campus. But Nate loved to talk and kept me busy. He was discussing his plans for Thanksgiving. I was beginning to fade out, my mind flying to other places.

            A vibration from my skirt pocket brought me back. I quickly pulled out my phone and checked the screen.

            1 New Message from: Unknown

            Curiously, I opened the message up.

            Hey Em. It’s James. I just wanted 2 remind u 2 b ready b4 7:00. Sound good? OK! And b4 u ask, I got ur number from Ricky. ;)

            I ground my teeth together and before I could hit “Reply”, Nathan cleared his throat.

            “Who’s that from?” He asked.

            “Just a friend.” I quickly lied. His eyes narrowed and I knew he saw through it.

            “Emma,” He frowned. “Who is it from?

            “Nate,” I started. “If-If I tell you, you’ll get mad.”

            He pinched the bridge of his nose. We were now at a complete stop in the middle of the hallway. Most students had already trickled into their classes.

            “Who?” His voice was firmer.

            “It’s James.” I squeaked, looking away. I didn’t want to see whatever emotion bloomed across his face.

            “I thought…” Nathan’s voice came again, but it was shaky. “I thought you wanted to make us work.”

            I looked back up, ready to explain. Nathan’s face drooped with sadness and I could see his eyes were glassy.

            “It’s not like that, Nate!” I defended myself. The bell rang for class. “James practically forced to me go on a date with him!”

            He gasped slightly. “You’re going on a date with him?”

            Oh shit. I forgot he didn’t know about that.

            “Before you do anything, I can expl-,”

            “No, Emma. I don’t want to hear it. Call me when you’re done playing with my heart.” He shook his head and walked off.

            I felt like I’d just been punched. As I watched Nathan walk away, I felt tears bud in the corners of my eyes and spill across my face. This was exactly the same as before. Hurting Nathan was like hurting myself. We were connected in some way that I couldn’t explain. Ever since we’d met in the garden, I could sense this bond we had. And whenever Nathan was in pain, so was I.

Hiya guys! OMG, this update was so lame and took way too long! I will try not to make them this spaced out. Everyone enjoy and DON’T FORGET TO COMMENT! :D 

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