Chapter Nineteen: Better Change Your Facebook Relationship Status

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(back to) Emma’s P.O.V.

            The pungent smell of bacon awoke me. I rolled over, reading the clock.

            10:28 am. Saturday, November 19th, 2011.

            Thank the Lord I’d made it through the week. I’d been a ghost; floating through my classes and showing barely any emotion. You could say the depression of my parents dying had finally caught up with me. But Ricky’s comment had sent me over the edge. His livid voice still echoed in my dreams. And those creepy-ass wolves were back again, pouncing on me and pretending to be my parents. I was a mess.

            A soft knock made me look up. Charlie stood at my door, looking hesitant.

            “Are you okay now, big sister?” he asked quietly.

            I knew exactly what he was talking about. Truthfully, no. I wasn’t alright. And if it hadn’t been for Nate’s visit days ago, I would still be the silent, miserable Emma. But I swallowed my uncertainty.

            “Of course, kiddo.”

            A smile lit up his face and he danced over to me, giving me a giant hug and a quick peck on the cheek, and made his way back out.

            “Oh! Emmy, I almost forgot. You’ve got a visitor,” Charlie shouted before racing off towards the kitchen.

            And who could that be? I shuffled out the door, not bothering to get out of my pajamas. It was Saturday; I didn’t have to. The smells from the kitchen grew stronger as I made my way down the stairs.

            “Hey, beautiful,” came a voice from beside me.

            I whipped around, staggering backwards. An arm reached out and grabbed me, keeping me from falling. Suddenly, I was pulled into a warm embrace.

            “What are you doing here?” I said, my voice muffled by James’ shirt. I inhaled deeply, taking in his cologne’s sultry scent. His arms wrapped tightly around my small form. Just his body pressing against mine was enough to make me shiver in delight. I felt his chin brush my hair.

            “What? Can I not come and visit my lovely little Emma?” he chuckled, finally letting me go.

            I smiled up at him. His emerald eyes glowed and his cheeks were rosy this morning. He wore a checkered shirt and some jeans. His tousled black hair looked extra rumpled today and without thinking, I ran my fingers through it. James flashed me a crooked smile.

            A disgusted sound came from behind me and I turned to find Ricky glaring at us from across the room. Finally, the beast had emerged! I hadn’t laid eyes on Ricky in days. It wasn’t like I wanted to; he was number one on my mental Kill List.

            “Hey bro. You’re looking shirtless, as usual,” James called and Ricky stalked away to get some food.

            I giggled. “You really know how to piss him off.”

            “He’s my best friend. Of course I know what ticks him off,” he whispered, not wanting to be overheard. “But I heard what he said to you and that’s totally not cool. I won’t ever let anyone hurt you like that, even if it happens to be my best friend.”

            The sincerity in his words was overpowering. I blushed deeply, wanting ever so much to reach up and kiss him. But I was suddenly aware that we had an audience.

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