Chapter 5

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"What type of look do you want?" A girl not much older than me asks, combing my hair back with her fingers.

"Excuse me?" I kind of squint at her in the mirror.

"What kind of look do you want? Smart, sexy, proper..."

I think about this for a minute. Sexy? No. Proper? Yeah right. Smart? Maybe...

Then I remember the queen's advice. "Well, I prefer more simple things. You know? I'm not...I don't have a set style because I don't have many clothes. Does that make sense? Can I just look like myself?"

The girl grinned at me in the mirror. "I know exactly what I can do."

"You will not meet the princes tonight. You will meet them tomorrow at breakfast." That phrase breaks through my daydreams. Then it's back to blah blah blah.

They dismiss us to our rooms after dinner, and my three maids smile when they see me. "Hello, Miss." The shortest one says. She has long, pretty red hair and light green eyes. The second tallest is a blonde, and the tallest is a brunette. They introduce themselves as Alexis, Maria, and Taylora. Taylora scowls for the most part, usually tucking a strand of dark hair behind her ear.

They help me change out of the plain black dress I'm in and start to help me into a black nightgown. I think it's silk, though I'm not sure. I feel really exposed and weird. "I can dress myself," I tell them. "It isn't difficult."

"Are you sure, Miss?" Alexis asks. She's my age—the other two are a year older.

I nod. "Positive."

"Tell us when you are finished, Miss." Taylora tells me. "We'll be right outside."

I cock my head to the side. "Um, why?"

"We must watch over you while you sleep, miss." Alexis says. "It's for safety."

I smile lightly, though it's forced. God, this palace life is going to drive me nuts. "I'll be fine. Why don't you go and rest? You don't need to stay here with me any longer than necessary. I don't see why you would have to."

"In case something goes wrong, Miss." Maria says.

"I can defend myself," I assure them. "You all can go."

"But miss—" Taylora starts.

"Do I need to make it a command?" I can't help but grin.

Alexis and Maria give each other knowing grins. "Of course not, Miss. We will see you in the morning." They each take one of Taylora's arms and practically drag her from the room.

My room has a balcony that overlooks the gardens. I remember something about not being allowed to go out into the gardens, and I sigh. But I feel cramped, and the feeling in my chest proves that I have a panic attack coming on soon—they aren't so common anymore, but I do still get them.

I grab a small, thin robe that Maria had set on the chair and slide my arms through it. It's sheer and black, but it keeps me warm surprisingly.

After getting lost several times, I find the doors guarded by two soldiers. They cross their staffs in my path when I walk to the doors. "No Selected outside, miss. Sorry."

"You know, I'm actually an Eight. Being cramped up in here will not do me any good." They look at each other strangely, as if to say what the hell? My heart starts to pound and my hands shake just a little. Sweat starts to bead up on my palms and forehead. Just until I'm away from them, hold it back, come on... "Just a ten-minute walk. Please. You can come and get me when time's up."

The guy on the left shakes his head. "Sorry, Miss. Strict orders."

I sigh. "Should have figured it's no use." I mutter and turn to leave.

"Oh, let the girl out. I don't see what's wrong with a short walk."

"But Your Highness—"

"Yes, yes. I know. But I'll stay with her."


"That's an order, Marshall."

The guard on the right, who was arguing with the prince, sighs. "Very well, Your Highness."

They step aside and open the doors. The prince steps up next to me and offers his arm. My eyes meet a pair of brownish-hazel ones. He smiles. "May I walk with you?"

I smile lightly and slide my arm through his. "Of course, Your Highness."

Prince Mason leads me to a stone bench and sits down. I sit next to him. The cool night air helps the heat of the panic disappear slowly and it dries the sweat that makes my hair stick to the back of my neck.  "So, you are Cassiana, correct? The only Eight in the competition." I guess he can't see the silver nametag on my robe.

I nod. "That would be me."

He smiles. "I think my brother was quite surprised that an Eight could be so pretty and talented."

"And what about your sister?" I really hope to impress the princess.

"She's already planning to start talking to you in French."

I laugh. "Well, that shouldn't be a problem. Tell her the next time you see her that I would love to."

He gives me a boyish grin. "I really don't think you have a choice."

I smile without meaning to. "Well then. And what of you? What do you think about having a disgusting Eight in your palace?"

He throws his head back and laughs outright at that. "Well, you seem pretty well-mannered so far... we'll have to wait until tomorrow at breakfast to see."

"I'll try not to eat like a dog."

He laughs again. "I'm impressed so far."

I give him a half-smile. "One of my many tricks."

He nods and then does a double-take. "What?"

I nudge him playfully. "Kidding. You can relax." He sits straight up the whole time. He's in all black except for his shirt under his jacket, which is white. "Wow. I didn't expect you to be able to joke." I certainly wasn't expecting him to be so normal.

He shrugs. "My brother is as stiff as a board. You'll be lucky to so much as get a smile out of him. Most of the time he just scowls. Lost in this own thoughts, he says. I think he's worried about the Selection."

"What's there to worry about?" I wave it off. "Thirty-five girls all dying for you to make them princess, trying to either kiss you or get in your bed. All of them living in your house and expecting you to fall in love with them... I don't see the problem."

He lets out a snort. "You'd be amazed. But Alexander is the opposite of Clara—he believes that there is no such thing as love."

"And you?"

"I ask him how he was created."

I giggle. "Well, when a mommy and a daddy love each other very much..."

He rolls his eyes. "Alexander says the same thing."

A guard comes out to the garden. "Your Highness, sorry to interrupt, but Princess Clara is looking for you."

Prince Mason waves him away. "I'll be there in a minute." He stands and turns towards me. "Well, duty calls. It was nice meeting you, Cassiana." He extends his hand as if to shake mine.

I put my hand in his, and he surprises me by bending and kissing my knuckles. But then he's gone in a rush. I sit and stare at my hand for a minute before getting up and going to bed.

I'm awake for all of three minutes before sleep drags me under.

A/N: Come on, be honest- how many of you thought she was going to meet Alexander?

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