Chapter 30

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Alexander continues to see Celine, Blossom, and Tania for the rest of the week. Odette and Cala were sent home by Alexander, and Mason sent Ever, Camila, and Emmana home. There are five of us left.

Mason sees Blossom and Tania as well, though the lack of attraction between him and Celine is obvious. I think I know how everyone wants it to end- Alexander proposing to Celine, and Mason proposing to Tania. Mason told me- he's been paying far more attention than Alexander and I.

For appearances, Mason and Alexander spend most of their time with Blossom, Tania, and Celine. In fact, Alexander even says on the Capital Report that he has someone special in mind, and turns back and winks at Celine. Or it appears that he does, since I'm usually behind her.

Both of the princes are outstanding actors, and no one- not even the king and queen- suspect anything more than a normal relationship between us.

One day I saw Blossom leaving her room sobbing, carrying a bag with her. Tania ran to her and hugs her. "Oh, what's wrong? Where are you going?"

"Home." Blossom choked out. "Watch what you say around the princes." She fled after that.

Alexander refuses to tell me why he and Mason both sent her home. Instead they say that she said some things that she should've kept to herself, and that's that.

Celine copies me a lot- my maids have changed my dress color and style every week, since she copies whatever color I wear. And it's not even just that- jewelry, shoes, hair, makeup and anything else that's possibly copiable.

Nearly four weeks after the report where I was in the wedding-like dress, Tania comes back from her date with Mason and Alexander, her makeup smeared. "Tania, what's wrong?" Aquia asks, concerned.

"I-I'm going h-h-home." She stutters. She shoves between us and shuts the door to her room. Aquia pulls me into her own room, which is painted different shades of blue and sea green. There are some sunset-colored highlights to it.

"Mason told me something important." She whispers.


"They're announcing who they're going to marry on the next Capital Report."

Today's Wednesday- we have two days. "What?"

She nods. "Yeah. Wait- Alexander didn't tell you?"

I shake my head. "No. We haven't spoken in a few days."

"Damn him." She mutters. "Well, now you know."

"Did Mason mention marrying you?"

She gets a slightly dreamy look. "Yes. He said that obviously I'm marrying him, whether or not I want to."

I laugh at this. "He'd force you to marry him?"

"Not that he'd need to- I'd say yes in a heartbeat."

"Well obviously."

She shoves me lightly. "Oh, shut up. Like you wouldn't say yes to-" she clasps her hands together and lets out a dreamy sigh- "Alexander."

"Oh, shut it."

She giggles and continues with the dreamy sighing.

"That's it. I'm done. I'm leaving. GOODBYE!"

Her hysterical laughter follows me out the door.

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