Chapter 31

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A/N: Cassiana's dress is on the right :) Aquia's is in the external link (just ignore the train part)

"Goooood evening, Illéa!" Silon struts onto the stage and stands in front of his seat. "And what a wonderful evening it is!" The applause is deafening.

He waits until it settles down. "Now do any of you know why it's such a wonderful evening? No? Well then let me tell you. Tonight is the night that our princes will announce which of these three lovely ladies they will marry and make princesses of Illéa." This is met by more applause.

We weren't given chairs tonight, since this is going to be quick. Celine is wearing that same violet dress that she had been in when Mason and Aquia went after Alexander- which I only know because Aquia told me. She's wearing her hair the same way, too. In fact, the only thing different is the thick, violet velvet choker around her neck.

Aquia is in a light blue- pretty much periwinkle- dress with a white lace overlay. It has blueish-periwinkle sleeves, and it brushes against the floor, even when she's in heels.

I'm so busy getting a good look at what Aquia is wearing, I completely miss Silon introducing Alexander and Mason. He's already started talking to them, and I catch up quickly on the topic. Of course I do- it's us final three.

"So are you two ready?" Silon asks. Mason and Alexander look at each other and shake their heads. Everyone laughs. "Why not?"

Mason shrugs. "It's's one of those things that when it starts you're dreading it and can't wait for the end, but when it's actually over, you just... wish you could go back to the beginning." Alexander nods in agreement.

"Well, that was deep." More laughter from the audience. "But it has to end sometime, right?"

Mason sighs. "I guess so." He's smiling.

"So who wants to go first?"

Mason pretends to be an eager student and raises his hand, waving it around. Even Aquia and I laugh, though Celine doesn't. She stands regal and tall, despite being an inch or two shorter than me.

For some reason I think of the little girl that I met when I was coming here. Sara was her name. I wonder if she's bouncing up and down like she was at the airport, waiting for them to announce who will be the princesses.

Silon and both princes stand up. Alexander moves back to sit down with his parents. Three crew members run on and remove their chairs.

The cameras move around so that you can see Mason's face while he's looking at us, his back to the audience. I don't think he's ever looked more like a prince. I was expecting to feel something about knowing that it won't be me he chooses, but I feel nothing. Nothing but anticipation and nerves, but that's all for Alexander.

His eyes move down the row of us, and they stop of Aquia, who is on the far right of the row. He smiles at her, and she gives him the tiniest smile back. He takes a few steps towards her, and takes both of her hands in his. You can tell just by the way they look at each other how in love they are. He slides something out of his pocket, but hides it in his hand.

"I know that it wouldn't be easy to leave behind everything and everyone you've ever known, but I think I'm going to have to ask you to. I'm not going to force you, but will you marry me?"

Aquia covers her mouth with her hand, on the verge of tears. They're obviously happy ones. She was expecting him to ask, but I guess the fact that it's real isn't like how she expected.

He takes her left and and slides a ring onto her ring finger. Everyone cheers, and he hugs her before leading her over to his parents. The roar of the audience is deafening. Alexander mouths something at Silon, who nods.

He stands and joins Silon. He's not wearing a tie tonight- it's strange seeing him without it. Even without the crown, though, he would look more like the king that he will be in the future. His eyes demand attention. Tonight they're deeper and more closed off than ever.

He moves towards Celine and takes both of her hands in his. I'm so confused. Didn't he say he would pick me?

Whatever. Just wait and see what he's doing.

"You are a beautiful girl, Celine. You were pretty much raised to live as a princess." She beams, standing up straighter. She flicks her eyes at me, disgust and something close to arrogant pride in her eyes, as if I'm nothing more than a worm. "And while you were raised to live the life of a princess, you weren't raised to do one thing- love. And it shows."

Her eyes are suddenly bare of her arrogance. For once I see her as a girl that, unlike me, was raised for this. She grew up being taught everything and anything about being princess, so that she could become one. I can see what Alexander means- she was never shown love, and maybe that's why she's so cold now. And maybe that's why she didn't like me- I was taught to love from the start.

"While the skills of a princess can easily be picked up, I'm afraid that learning to love isn't that easy. And I think that there are better men to teach you than me, since before this I didn't believe in love either. Lucky for me, I had a good teacher." He glances over at me, and my insides warm. "I'm sorry to say that you will not be a princess, Celine. But I hope that you find someone that you can love, and who will love you back."

She nods, looking ready to cry, and steps back.

He moves over to me and takes both of my hands. "I think you know where this is going to go."

I shake my head. "Nope. I think you're going to marry the other girl." There's a small amount of laughter following my words.

He gives me a half-smile. "You know I'm not nearly as much of a romantic as my brother."

"Definitely not."

He chuckles. "You're not going to make this easy for me, I guess?"

"What fun would that be?"

"A lot."

"Fine." I huff.

He rolls his eyes, and this earns even more laughter. "Alright." He takes a deep breath. "I love you, Cassiana. I think I've loved you since I first met you. I know that there probably isn't much that you'll be leaving behind in Kent- you told me that you don't have many friends- so I guess it won't be as hard for you as some people to leave it all behind. Will you marry me?"

I look up at him, biting my lower lip. Of course I'm going to say yes. I just wasn't expecting him to say it like that. I nod. "Yes. Yes of course."

He wraps his arms around my waist and kisses me, the first time ever in public. The crowd's applause is deafening, but it doesn't matter. The only thing that matters is that I'm going to marry Alexander.

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