• Poisonous Sign #2 •

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Poisonous Sign #2
( Extra Scene )

"Black Widow" (Teaser)
By: Iggy Azalea

I know it's annoying to repeat a song, but that won't be completed until we didn't reached the final blow so please play the video again once you this in the middle of the scene: (♥)

[Reminder: That teaser song will always appeared in every poisonous signs.]

( Levi's POV )

Location: "(L/n)'s Residence"

I already know that she was going to asked me about for what I did to her last night, which is I already know too that she wasn't asleep when the moment I kissed her again, but for now I'll just pretend that I didn't do such thing and just uninterestedly looked over her.

"Fine, lead the way." I reluctantly agreed as I stood up from the couch and silently followed her behind.

As when we finally reached the backyard she abruptly turned around and faced me.

"Tell me... Are you the one who dared to kissed me last night?" She asked and I smirked.

"So you really did know?"

"Answer me!" She demanded, I sighed and decided to tell her the truth even though she already know the truth..... Idiot.

"Who else inside this house would kissed you rather than me anyway?"

"So... You really are the one who stole an another kissed from me huh?! But why the heck did you do that?" I suddenly gulped when she mentioned about it. I stayed quiet and averted my gaze at the side, trying to find some right words to say.

What should I needed to tell her? That I am her secret bodyguard who's going be her husband soon and I had a great permission to do anything to her?

I have to show her some affections so that I could completely fell in love to her and she also have to do the same before she could ever know the truth about the secret upcoming marriage, but this isn't the right time for me to revealed the truth.

"Levi... I said answer me!" She demanded again, but this time she's already loosing her patience.

"Uh... " Fuck! It's unusual for me to become speechless.

"You can't deny it. Tell me... Are you in love with me?" She said and that question hit me like a truck.

Fuck! What should I do?! Should I have to kissed her again, so that I can be able to shut her mouth? Ugh! That'll lead me to more trouble.

"Fine, if you don't wanted to tell me the answer then it's okay, but I have to warn you... Levi Ackerman." I confusedly stared at her as she stopped by her mid sentence in which she continued.

"Please think more seriously before you could ever dare yourself to love me, because..." She stopped again as I could see from her face that she's having a deep trouble to say the last word.

"Because what?" I asked while raising my brow to her.

"It's because, Levi I don't want you to end up horribly just because of me!" She exclaimed with a single tear escaping from the corner of her eye.

"Why the heck would I end up like a shit because of you?! Now it's your turn to tell me the reason why." This time I was the one who's demanding and I can see through her face that she's in a very deep pain of the... Past?

"Levi... You don't understand." She looked at me with full of pain in her eyes as her tears kept rolling down through cheeks causing my heart to feel guilty, but at the same time it was really beating so fast in an other unknown reason.

I was going to opened my mouth to say another demanding words that will forced her to tell the reason, but it didn't happened, because all of it had vanished from my mind once I saw something... Unexpected again.

(♥) Play the video/background music now.

A black widow spider showed up again, out of nowhere from the wall behind her back as we both keep in silence.

My heart starts to beat faster than before and my body starts to tremble while my gaze was fixed on the thing that makes me feel weird, this is just exactly what I felt when I saw that thing before. It doesn't mean that I'm scared of it, but I could tell that whenever I'm feeling this kind of situation just because of seeing that poisonous creature, it really tells me that there's a great danger or there is something who's dangerous.


"Levi... There's something you have to know about me."

I looked over at her with full of confusion written all over my face as I finally decided to speak up.

"Then, tell me..."

To Be Continued.....

My apologies if this isn't good enough. I just got sick today and I can't formed a proper sentence, but don't worry I'm going to work on with this again once I feel better.

[Word Count: 839]

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