• Poisonous Sign #3 •

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Poisonous Sign #3
( Extra Scene )

"Black Widow" (Teaser)
By: Iggy Azalea

For better effect, please play the video once you saw this in the middle of the scene: (♥)

[WARNING: Petra]

[P.S: If you like Petra for some reason and don't wanted her to be a bitch in here, then I'm gonna tell yah that I don't care, but if you hated her just exactly what the other bunch of fangirls do, then BANZAI to you, but I still don't care cuz I'm gonna used her in purpose]

( Farlan's POV )

Location: "Recon's Armory"

"(Y/n)... There is something important that I needed to tell you."



Me and Isabel both stopped in our tracks with no words escaping our mouth as we just both stared at each other with dorky faces and looked back at the piece of paper where the plan was been written that seems to be ignored.

"I've been keeping this inside my heart ever since I met you and you know what? It's killing me already for not telling you how I really felt for you."

"Damn, he make his own move." I whispered yelled to Isabel who nudged my shoulder after that.

"Oh... Just let him be."

"I just can't believe we'll be hearing those words from him."

Yeah... I just can't believe it.


( Levi's POV )

Location: "Trost University"

After a few moments of my successful confessions, which I didn't expected that it would be a great result; me and (Y/n) stayed up in our own table at the near corner while drinking a light liquored punch and discussing a interesting few stuffs, when I suddenly caught up something...

Different and strange... Again.

(♥) Play the video/background music now.

I saw a black widow spider, hanging viciously at the golden silk curtain near the serving table and that's when I saw Petra next to it, but I guess she wasn't aware that a poisonous creature was next to her as she...

Tightly grips the glass of liquor in her hand while glaring daggers over my direction?

What the hell is wrong with her?

The half full glass of liquor instantly broke in a various of pieces by her tight grip into it. After that she gritted her teeth and walked away same to the spider who just disappeared out of nowhere.

What does that mean?

To Be Continued.....

Yep! That's kinda short, but I know it's worth it.

*Plays the chorus of "Worth It" By: Fifth Harmony*

I know that "multiple" of you will shipped Petra to a Tree again or calling her a Tree Hugger or Reminding her for how she betrayed her Husband Tree or what so ever the fuq it is like some of my readers do in my previous book called "The Wings Chronicle" in a chapter part entitled "Spring Break" which I really laugh my ass off for a silly reason. 😽🐨

Anyway, feel free to do that stuff again. It's depends on how you enjoyed yourself for doing it XD.

I just can't find if I hate her or not cuz it doesn't really matter to me now.

[Word Count: 526]

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