Meeting Me (Maya Hart)

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[Maya's POV]

Well, um... There's not much I can tell you. I live in a crappy apartment. I'm a foster kid. I'm an outcast in my own family. No siblings. Terrible foster parent. I was never given the names of my biological parents. All I know is that they gave me up (well duh!) and that my dad was put in jail for something I don't exactly remember and my mom, well... she was, and probably still is, a drug dealer.

The whole school thinks my life is perfect yet it's far, far, far away from that. My best friends are Riley Matthews, Farkle Minkus, and Lucas Friar.

Lucas Friar. Uggghh! Why can't we be more than friends?!

Wait what am I thinking. He's Riley's, Maya! When will I ever get that into my thick ass skull?!

Any who... Riley and I have been best friends forever and nothing. And I mean NOTHING, has ever separated us.

Farkle, well... he's Farkle. Typical nerd. Loves everything about school. He also has loved Riley and I since the day we met.

That pretty much wraps up everything about me. The last thing that I try to forget, I will never mention. So, good luck with getting that out of me!

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