Chapter Thirty Two.) I'm A Ninja

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"Can I come into the out now?" I begged one of the guards. He looked at me and smirked, but didn't say anything as he continued to pace back and forth in front of the I was in.

Why am I in here? Well, you see...about that...what had happened was...

Here I'll just flashback.


"Oh, and Keith? I ate your special cookies yesterday, oops bye."

A pause. I bite my lip to hide my grin.

"Do we really need to save you now? I mean, you ate my cookies..." he trails off, teasing me.

"Bye," I giggled before pressing the end call and turning to Ethan. He raises his eyebrows at me and I shrug and put the phone back in my bra.

We walk out hesitantly, and Ethan peers around a corner. When he decides it's safe, he pulls me along. Suddenly, he stops, and I crash into his stone hard back.

"Ow!" I muttered, rubbing my nose. He places a finger to my lips and I frown. Then I hear a familiar voice.

"He'll come for her, I'm sure," Marco says. I grit my teeth together. That traitor.

"But how do you know?" I recognize the voice as James.

"Trust me," Marco assures him. "I've seen the way he looks at her and how much he cares. I showed you the video of them kissing, didn't I?"

I gasped quietly. That's how he knew. It was Marco all along. He's been spying!

Damn it, and he still did a better job then me.

"But what if he just kissed her just because? How do we know there are feelings involved and that he actually cares?"

"Of course he cares," Marco scoffed. "Vanessa caused a fight between him and his best friend, of course he cares about her."

"If this doesn't work, Marco, I'll have your head for this," James warns. "I'm tired of that boy, always trying to kill me. He needs help."

I inch closer unconsciously, wondering if James is finally going to reveal to me the reason that Keith wants to kill him.

"Why does he want to kill you?" Marco asks, voicing my thoughts. Ethan frowns next to me, but I ignore him.

"He's crazy. Insane. He doesn't know what he's doing. He's so consumed by guilt..."

"Guilt of what?"

"Killing Jenna."

Ethan's hand reaches up to cover my mouth when he sees I want to scream. Killed her? Killed a girl named Jenna?

"And now he wants to kill you?"

"He won't accept the fact that it's his fault that Jenna is dead. He's deluded himself into thinking it was me who killed her, not him, and now he wants revenge, if you will."

I feel like crying. Or screaming. Or both. This whole time Keith has been making me help him get James, when it's really James who should be getting Keith. I twist my head to look at Ethan, and he has the same surprised expression as I do. It's something neither of us expected.

But then Ethan shakes his head, as if refusing to believe it. I wish I could do the same, but I've seen Keith kill someone before. I've seen how tempered he is. He threatens to kill me all the time as if it is nothing, I shouldn't be surprised.

My heart hurts, because just when I'm getting to know him, I find out about this.

Why should it matter? Inner me questions. You were stringing him along this whole time, anyways.


I wiped under my eyes, not realizing I was crying. Just as I turn back to listen to more of the conversation, I notice Ethan isn't behind me anymore. I turn and come face to face with James.

"Well, look what we have here," he smirked.

So, you see? This is why I am in a holding cell right now. Don't ask me where Ethan has gone, because he just disappeared. How he does that, I don't know.

I sigh as I sit on the floor, hugging my knees to my chest. I wondered what I was going to do when Keith got here.

I look up when I hear footsteps and scowl when I see who it is.

"Hey, Vanessa," Marco greets me, as if he just didn't betray the gang at all. I glare at him.

He clears his throat. "So, I'm assuming your curious about what me and James were talking about in there, weren't you?"

I didn't answer.

He sits on the floor in front of the cell and tilts his head to the side. "So, we have a deal for you."

"Rot in hell," I spit at him. He chuckled, amused.

"See, Keith is crazy. He wants to kill his own father for pete's sake, and we just want to help him." He looks at me. "And we need your help."

"No. Fucking traitor."

"Stop being difficult. If you help us get Keith, we'll take you back home."

I rolled my eyes. "Like I haven't heard that before."

Marco leans in. "You care about him, don't you?"

"No," I denied quickly.

He smirks. "You do. But Vanessa, how do you know he won't kill you, too?"

Before I could respond, I heard a thud. Marco and I shot up to our feet and looked around, only to see the guard from earlier passed out on the floor. Marco reaches his hand for the gun on his belt, but when I blink, he's on the floor passed out as well. The door clicks, and my cell door is open.

Ethan grins slyly at me.

My mouth falls open. "How the hell did you do that?"

He shrugs. "I'm a ninja."

"Oh," I nodded. Makes sense, I've always had that suspicion of him.


"Did you just..." I pointed a shaky finger at him. He smirks at me.

Then I screamed.

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