How The Gang Met Ethan - Bonus

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a longggggg time ago I was actually planning on writing a Keith POV for this book but I never got around to it BC im lazy but here's an old draft I found where I wrote how the gang met Ethan and I think s'neat so here ya go my beautiful cows

wow it's been a long time since I've called y'all that imy guys I miss when writing used to be fun yikes

But that's tea for another day anywhöre here ya go

btw read my other books for a blessed life

Jk it will make u want to jump off a cliff just like this book did but my new zayn fanfic says hi and so does PBTA which features ur fave ninja wassup


"Hey, best friend," Tyler chirped as he walked into my office. I glanced up at him before turning back to organizing my guns.

"What do you want, Tyler?" I asked, as I laid my guns out by size, before mixing them up again and sorting them by how new they were.

"Well, there's someone outside who wants to be part of our gang," Tyler informs me. I raise an eyebrow at him.

"Wants to be a part of our gang?" I repeated. "How does he even know about our gang? I only just started it-" I glanced at my calendar. "-last week. We don't even have a cool gang name yet."

Tyler shrugged. "I dunno," he said before grinning. "But between you and me, I think he'd be a pretty good member."

"Right," I eyed Tyler before sighing. "Well, bring him in."

Tyler's grin widened, and he skipped over to the door before throwing it open. "Keith Owens, meet Ethan!"

"Just Ethan?" I questioned. "No last name?"

Tyler scratched his head. "Apparently, he doesn't have one."

The boy who walked in had a small smile on his face. He offered a small wave.

I was already starting to question where Tyler found this boy.

"So, Ethan, what can you do?"

Ethan shrugged.

Tyler leaned into to whisper, "He doesn't talk much."

I looked back at Ethan, and did a double take when I realized he was gone. I stood up and placed my hands on my bare desk-

Wait, bare desk?

"Where the fuck are my guns?" I demanded, looking on the floor in case they were gone.

Tyler glanced around. "I don't know, Keith. Where'd you put them last?"

"Here, on the desk," I hissed. "How the hell do-"

My sentence is cut off when I see someone waving outside with a gun in his hand. Ethan smiles.

"How the fuck did you get out there so fast?" I mused as I walked over to the window and opened it. He handed me my guns.

He shrugged again.

I blinked at him once more. "Wow... You're hired."


"Keith," Tyler whined.

I sighed and lifted my gaze from my papers I was reading. "Yes?"

"Me and my new buddy pal, Ethan, here," he jammed a finger in Ethan's direction before frowning. "Wait, my new buddy pal, Ethan, and I," he corrected himself before grinning. "Yeah, that's it."

"You and Ethan, what?"

Tyler groaned. "Well, we're bored."

I returned my attention to my papers but said, "What do you want me to do about that?"

Tyler sighed and looked at Ethan. "So, what's up, man?"

Ethan shrugged.

Tyler stares at Ethan. "I once saw this movie with a little boy who didn't talk and this annoying little girl, and she said, 'you don't talk much, but I like you.'"

Tyler smiled. "So, Ethan, you don't talk much, but I like you."

Ethan returned his smile.

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