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Things were great after everything was settled.

Vanessa and Keith moved to live on a farm with cows everywhere. Their love for each other grew stronger everyday, especially when Keith bought Vanessa a cow for their anniversary present. She named it Blu after she she wiped tears from her eyes.

Tyler went on to be an actor since he was amazing at the acting he did with Vanessa when they pretended they were the "on and off couple with pet fish". Don't ask me how that worked out, because I have no clue.

Angela? Well she went on to be one hell of a horror writer. And you'd never guess who she got married to after a couple of years.

Gina and Angela were very happy to be together, and have proudly been with each other for years. We were glad to see Gina move on from Marco, and honestly we all shipped it.

And me? Well, I stayed with the gang for the first couple of months before I had to leave. It was time for me to move on as well.

I stepped into an old building and closed the rusty door behind me. There was someone waiting there for me. He turned around.

"Good job, Ethan," my boss says. "You did well for your first one."

I nodded, trying to ignore the emotions I felt.

He smiled sympathetically at me. "I know you've grown attached, but you have other missions now." He sighed and stepped closer to me and placed a hand on my shoulder. "I'm sorry it had to be this way for you."

I looked away.

He straightened his spine and pulled a file out from his jacket. He held it out for me, and I took it hesitantly.

I raised a curious eyebrow.

Valentino Rodriguez squeezed my shoulder. "You know what to do."

Of course I knew. Just like how he knew to make sure Vanessa and Keith met back in that alleyway. The only thing I didn't understand was why.

I asked him once, and he just said that some people need a new perspective.

He saw the look on my face. "You can say goodbye."


"I now dub you, Vanessa Rodriguez, the new gang leader."

Vanessa blushed as Keith placed one of those cheap princess crowns on the top of her head. He frowned when he realized he put it on crooked, and she giggled as he tried to adjust it. When it was right, Keith stepped back, and Tyler, Angela, and Gina cheered.

Tyler grinned and stepped forward. "So what now, GangLeader Vanessa?"

She taps her chin in thought before beaming and clapping her hands together. "We can go back to Spain and reinvent boobilitis!"

We all looked at each other before shrugging and laughing.

The night was spent with just us, partying and reminiscing of all our crazy adventures. Vanessa once again brings up how I talked, and once again no one believes her. She glares at me, and I smirk at her.

And then, I knew I've been here long enough, and staying a minute more might make this all worse. Everyone goes out to the backyard when the sun sets, and I stand by the door. I frown and look down before turning away.

I risk a look back before leaving.

Vanessa's eyes meet my gaze and she must sense what I'm doing because a sad smile appears on her face.

"Thank you," she mouths. I smiled back and nodded at her.

She blinked, and I was gone.

🐮🐷The End🐷🐮

That whole thing probably made no sense...


Omg I'm feeling vv emotional right now. My beautiful cows, thank you! Thank you thank you thank you! You have no idea how much it means to me when you vote or comment on my stories or add it to your reading lists, it means so much to me. The fact that you gave this sloppy book a chance means more than you will ever know.

I love you all my beautiful cows ❤️

Hmm, I wonder where Ethan will pop up next? ;)


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