Chapter 1

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The bright sunny morning brought a smile to her lips as she stretched out in her bed. How she wished to be able to wake up like this always.

The shrill screams of Ana and Lucy pulled her out of her musings.

"Ella!, Ella!, " they yelled for her.

With a sigh, she tightened her eyes, wishing they would stop. But, they continued even louder than before.

Along with all the things they have subjected her to, and she slowly grew accustomed to do without protest to be able to live in peace. This was one of the things she mostly detested.

Everyday nonstop it was;  Ella, clean this!, Ella, wash that!, Ella, sew this!, Ella, mend that!. She simply wanted peace for once.

Quickly with a sigh, she stood and dressed, then descended her room into the sitting room where they called her from. She knew her stepmother was to leave early that morning for the market and left them alone. In all honesty, they had awoken much earlier today than the usual she noticed.

A part of this she did not like because they got into trouble that she later would be punished for. Lucy sat opposite Anna by the fire, readily dressed for the day.

"Come, Ella," Lucy ordered.

Ella stepped forward and stood before her. She looked down to the green eyes of her stepsister that held malice and mischief in her gaze.

"On your knees," she said sternly. It is here she noticed how Lucy took advantage of her authority in her mother's absence. She would put Ella to do dreadful things and if she did not comply or played Lucy's way, she would complain to her mother and Ella would be punished.

And that is one thing she detested was to be bound, gagged and tortured like an animal for her insolence. So she did everything they asked without a word.

Lucy leaned forward and caressed Ella. Deep down inside, Ella craved human touch other than those during her harsh punishments. A caress, a touch, a hug. Its all she has wanted for so long. So when Lucy did this, she flushed with the heat her fingers left in their wake.

"Trevar sent word that he is on his way since mother is not here. I need you to look out and warn us if mother comes," she said.

Trevar is Viscount Alain's, son. A sleazy wealthy merchant in town that is the black scourge of the earth. He has made it his duty to usurp all of her father and mother's possessions through her stepmother's lavish tastes.
She frowned at the reason why Trevar would come. But, she knew better not to pry and nodded her head.

With a satisfying smile, Lucy leaned back and began to pull up her skirts to show her bare flesh. Ella stared intently at it, then raised her eyes to Lucy, that draped her legs wide over each armrest. These were the liberties they took with her where she must submit to their will.

In silent defeat, Ella leaned forward to commence her duties and pleasure Lucy. The tanginess drenched her tongue as she licked and sucked her. Soon the room grew hot and the scent of their arousal filled the air followed by whimpers and moans as she pleasured Lucy with her tongue then Anna.

After a while, Lucy and Anna lay spent spread wide in their chairs, still coming down from their climax as Ella left. A worse for wear with her disheveled hair they tugged on, forcing her to bury her face deep in their c*nts as they came heavy with their release. And it was evident and glistening on her lips and chin as she walked out of the study saddened by their mistreatment.

Head bowed and accepting her routines as it was, she retired to the kitchen and began to peel potatoes, slowly pushing away that lonely feeling within her. That hollowness.

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